Querying: Using Indexes
Time series indexes are not generated automatically by the server, but static indexes can be created by clients or using the Studio. As any other index, static time series indexes can be queried.
Querying a time series index projects the contents of fields specified in the index'
clause. The result-set can then be further filtered using LINQ expressions. -
In this page:
Query Using Indexes
You can query time series indexes using session.Query
, and enhance the queries
using LINQ expressions.
IRavenQueryable<T> Query<T, TIndexCreator>() where TIndexCreator : AbstractCommonApiForIndexes, new();
IDocumentQuery<T> DocumentQuery<T, TIndexCreator>() where TIndexCreator : AbstractCommonApiForIndexes, new();
Parameters Description T
Results Container TIndexCreator
Index -
Return Values
As return values are specific to each index, we need to define a matching results container.
In the following sample we define a map index that collects three fields from the "HeartRate" time series, a "Results" container for the results, and an index query that uses both.
public class SimpleIndex : AbstractTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask<Employee> { public class Result { public double HeartBeat { get; set; } public DateTime Date { get; set; } public string User { get; set; } public string Tag { get; set; } } public SimpleIndex() { AddMap( "HeartRates", timeSeries => from ts in timeSeries from entry in ts.Entries select new { HeartBeat = entry.Values[0], entry.Timestamp.Date, User = ts.DocumentId, Tag = entry.Tag }); } }
// Query time-series index using session.Query using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { List<SimpleIndex.Result> results = session.Query<SimpleIndex.Result, SimpleIndex>() .ToList(); }
Usage Samples
Querying an Index
To query a time series index, callsession.Query
// Query time-series index using session.Query using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { List<SimpleIndex.Result> results = session.Query<SimpleIndex.Result, SimpleIndex>() .ToList(); }
// Query time-series index using DocumentQuery using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { List<SimpleIndex.Result> results = session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<SimpleIndex.Result, SimpleIndex>() .ToList(); }
Enhancing Index Queries
When you call
, You can add LINQ expressions to your query.
// Enhance the query using LINQ expressions var chosenDate = new DateTime(2020, 5, 20); using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { List<SimpleIndex.Result> results = session.Query<SimpleIndex.Result, SimpleIndex>() .Where(w => w.Date < chosenDate) .OrderBy(o => o.HeartBeat) .ToList(); }
You can add LINQ-like expressions to a DocumentQuery as well.
// Query time-series index using DocumentQuery with Linq-like expressions using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { List<SimpleIndex.Result> results = session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<SimpleIndex.Result, SimpleIndex>() .WhereEquals("Tag", "watches/fitbit") .ToList(); }
Async queries
You can run asynchronous queries as well.// Time-series async index query using session.Query using (var session = store.OpenAsyncSession()) { List<SimpleIndex.Result> results = await session.Query<SimpleIndex.Result, SimpleIndex>() .ToListAsync(); }