Querying: Filtering

One of the most basic functionalities of querying is the ability to filter out data and return records that match a given condition. There are couple of ways to do this.

The following examples demonstrate how to add simple conditions to a query using all of those methods.


List<Employee> results = session
    .query(Employee.class, Employees_ByFirstAndLastName.class) // query 'Employees/ByFirstAndLastName' index
    .whereEquals("FirstName", "Robert") // filtering predicates
    .andAlso()   // by default OR is between each condition
    .whereEquals("LastName", "King") // materialize query by sending it to server for processing
public class Employees_ByFirstAndLastName extends AbstractIndexCreationTask {
    public Employees_ByFirstAndLastName() {
        map = "docs.Employees.Select(employee => new {" +
            "    FirstName = employee.FirstName," +
            "    LastName = employee.LastName" +
from index 'Employees/ByFirstAndLastName'
where FirstName = 'Robert' and LastName = 'King'

Where - Numeric Property

List<Product> results = session
    .query(Product.class, Products_ByUnitsInStock.class) // query 'Products/ByUnitsInStock' index
    .whereGreaterThan("UnitsInStock", 50) // filtering predicates
    .toList(); // materialize query by sending it to server for processing
public class Products_ByUnitsInStock extends AbstractIndexCreationTask {
    public Products_ByUnitsInStock() {
        map = "docs.Products.Select(product => new {" +
            "        UnitsInStock = product.UnitsInStock" +
            "    })";
from index 'Products/ByUnitsInStock'
where UnitsInStock > 50

Where - Nested Property

// return all orders that were shipped to 'Albuquerque'
List<Order> results = session
    .whereEquals("ShipTo_city", "Albuquerque")
from Orders
where ShipTo.City = 'Albuquerque'

List<Order> results = session
    .query(Order.class, Order_ByOrderLinesCount.class) // query 'Order/ByOrderLinesCount' index
    .whereGreaterThan("Lines_count", 50) // filtering predicates
    .toList();   // materialize query by sending it to server for processing
public class Order_ByOrderLinesCount extends AbstractIndexCreationTask {
    public Order_ByOrderLinesCount() {
        map = "docs.Orders.Select(order => new {" +
            "    Lines_count = order.Lines.Count" +
from index 'Order/ByOrderLinesCount'
where Lines.Count > 50

Where + Any

Any is useful when you have a collection of items (e.g. Order contains OrderLines) and you want to filter out based on values from this collection. For example, let's retrieve all orders that contain an OrderLine with a given product.

    .query(Order.class, Order_ByOrderLines_ProductName.class) // query 'Order/ByOrderLines/ProductName' index
    .whereEquals("Lines_productName", "Teatime Chocolate Biscuits") // filtering predicates
    .toList(); // materialize query by sending it to server for processing
public class Order_ByOrderLines_ProductName extends AbstractIndexCreationTask {
    public Order_ByOrderLines_ProductName() {
        map = "docs.Orders.Select(order => new {" +
            "    Lines_productName = order.Lines.Select(x => x.ProductName)" +
from index 'Order/ByOrderLinesCount'
where Lines_ProductName = 'Teatime Chocolate Biscuits'

Where + In

When you want to check a single value against multiple values, the In operator can become handy. To retrieve all employees where FirstName is either Robert or Nancy, we can issue the following query:

List<Employee> results = session
    .query(Employee.class, Employees_ByFirstAndLastName.class) // query 'Employees/ByFirstAndLastName' index
    .whereIn("FirstName", Arrays.asList("Robert", "Nancy")) // filtering predicates
    .toList();// materialize query by sending it to server for processing
public class Employees_ByFirstAndLastName extends AbstractIndexCreationTask {
    public Employees_ByFirstAndLastName() {
        map = "docs.Employees.Select(employee => new {" +
            "    FirstName = employee.FirstName," +
            "    LastName = employee.LastName" +
from index 'Employees/ByFirstAndLastName'
where FirstName IN ('Robert', 'Nancy')

Where + ContainsAny

To check if enumeration contains any of the values from a specified collection, you can use the containsAny method.

Let's assume that we want to return all BlogPosts that contain any of the specified tags.

List<BlogPost> results = session
    .query(BlogPost.class, BlogPosts_ByTags.class)  // query 'BlogPosts/ByTags' index
    .containsAny("tags", Arrays.asList("Development", "Research")) // filtering predicates
    .toList(); // materialize query by sending it to server for processing
public class BlogPosts_ByTags extends AbstractIndexCreationTask {
    public BlogPosts_ByTags() {
        map = "docs.BlogPosts.Select(post => new {" +
            "    tags = post.tags" +
from index 'BlogPosts/ByTags'
where Tags IN ('Development', 'Research')

Where + ContainsAll

To check if an enumeration contains all of the values from a specified collection, you can use the containsAll method.

Let's assume that we want to return all the BlogPosts that contain all of the specified tags.

List<BlogPost> results = session
    .query(BlogPost.class, BlogPosts_ByTags.class) // query 'BlogPosts/ByTags' index
    .containsAll("tags", Arrays.asList("Development", "Research")) // filtering predicates
    .toList(); // materialize query by sending it to server for processing
public class BlogPosts_ByTags extends AbstractIndexCreationTask {
    public BlogPosts_ByTags() {
        map = "docs.BlogPosts.Select(post => new {" +
            "    tags = post.tags" +
from index 'BlogPosts/ByTags'
where Tags ALL IN ('Development', 'Research')

Where - StartsWith

// return all products which name starts with 'ch'
List<Product> results = session
    .whereStartsWith("Name", "ch")
from Products 
where startsWith(Name, 'ch')

Where - EndsWith

// return all products which name ends with 'ra'
List<Product> results = session
    .whereEndsWith("Name", "ra")
from Products 
where endsWith(Name, 'ra')



Underneath, Query is converting predicates to the IndexQuery class so they can issue a query from a low-level operation method.