Session: How to Subscribe to Events

The concept of events provides users with a mechanism to perform custom actions in response to operations taken in a session.

The listener is invoked when a particular action is executed on an entity or querying is performed.

Subscribing to an event

Subscribing an event can be done in the DocumentStore object, which will be valid for all future sessions or subscribing in an already opened session with session.advanced which will overwrite the existing event for the current session.

"beforeStore" event

This event is invoked as a part of saveChanges(), but before it is actually sent to the server.

The callback passes the argument BeforeStoreEventArgs that consists of the Session entity's ID and the entity itself.


Say we want to discontinue all of the products that are not in stock. After we add a listener to the event, it's going to emit on every stored entity.

// subscribe to the event
store.on("beforeStore", (args) => {
    if (args.entity instanceof Product) {
        const product = args.entity;
        if (product.unitsInStock === 0) {
            product.discontinued = true;

    const session = store.openSession();
    const product1 = new Product(); = "RavenDB v3.5";
    product1.unitsInStock = 0;


    const product2 = new Product(); = "RavenDB v4.0";
    product2.unitsInStock = 1000;

    await session.saveChanges();  // Here's where the event is emitted

"beforeDelete" event

This event is invoked as a part of saveChanges(), but before it actually sends the deleted entities to the server.

It takes the argument BeforeDeleteEventArgs, that consists of the Session entity's ID and the entity itself.


To prevent anyone from deleting entities we can create a listener as follows:

// subscribe to the event
store.on("beforeDelete", args => {
    throw new Error("Not implemented");

// open a session and delete entity
    const session = store.openSession();
    const product = await session.load("products/1-A");


    await session.saveChanges(); // "Not implemented" error will be thrown here

"afterSaveChanges" event

This event is invoked after the saveChanges() is returned. It takes the argument AfterSaveChangesEventArgs that consists of the Session entity's ID and the entity itself with the updated metadata from the server.


If we want to log each entity that was saved, we can create a method as follows:

store.on("afterSaveChanges", args => {
    log("Document " + args.documentId + " was saved.");

"beforeQuery" event

This event is invoked just before the query is sent to the server.

It takes the argument BeforeQueryEventArgs, that consists of the Session and the IDocumentQueryCustomization.

Example I

If you want to disable caching of all query results, you can implement the method as follows:

store.on("beforeQuery", args => {

Example II

If you want each query to wait for non-stale results you can create an event as follows:

store.on("beforeQuery", args => {

"beforeConversionToDocument" event

This event is invoked before conversion of an entity to blittable JSON document. E.g. it's called when sending a document to a server.
It should be defined with this signature:


store.addSessionListener("beforeConversionToDocument", (event) => {
    if (event.entity instanceof Item) {
        const item = event.entity;
        item.before = true;

"afterConversionToDocument" event

This event is invoked after conversion of an entity to blittable JSON document.
It should be defined with this signature:


store.addSessionListener("afterConversionToDocument", (event) => {
    if (event.entity instanceof Item) {
        const item = event.entity;
        const document = ObjectUtil.clone(event.document.value);
        document.after = true;

        event.document.value = document;

        item.after = true;

"beforeConversionToEntity" event

This event is invoked before conversion of a JSON document to an entity. E.g. it's called when loading a document.

It takes the argument BeforeConversionToEntityEventArgs, that consists of a JSON document, its ID and type, and the session instance.

store.addSessionListener("beforeConversionToEntity", (event) => {
    const document = ObjectUtil.clone(event.document);
    document.before = true;
    event.document = document;

"afterConversionToEntity" event

This event is invoked after conversion of a JSON document to an entity. It takes the argument AfterConversionToEntityEventArgs, that consists of a JSON document, its ID, the session instance and a converted entity.

store.addSessionListener("afterConversionToEntity", (event) => {
    if (event.entity instanceof Item) {
        const item = event.entity;
        item.after = true;