Indexing Time Series

Time series indexes vs Document indexes


  • Time series index:
    Dynamic time series indexes are Not created in response to queries.

  • Document index:
    Auto-indexes are created in response to dynamic queries.

Data source:

  • Time series index:

    • Time series indexes process segments that contain time series entries.
      The entries are indexed through the segment they are stored in, for example, using a LINQ syntax that resembles this one:

    from segment in timeseries
    from entry in segment
    • The following items can be indexed per index-entry in a time series index:
      • Values & timestamp of a time series entry
      • The entry tag
      • Content from a document referenced by the tag
      • Properties of the containing segment
  • Document index:

    • The index processes fields from your JSON documents.
      Documents are indexed through the collection they belong to, for example, using this LINQ syntax:

    from employee in employees

Query results:

  • Time series index:
    When querying a time series index, each result item corresponds to the type defined by the index-entry in the index definition, (unless results are projected). The documents themselves are not returned.

  • Document index:
    The resulting objects are the document entities (unless results are projected).

Ways to create a time series index

There are two main ways to create a time series index:

  1. Create a class that inherits from one of the following abstract index creation task classes:

    • AbstractTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask
      for map and map-reduce time series indexes.
    • AbstractMultiMapTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask
      for multi-map time series indexes.
    • AbstractJavaScriptTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask
      for static javascript indexes.
  2. Deploy a time series index definition via PutIndexesOperation:

    • Create a TimeSeriesIndexDefinition directly.
    • Create a strongly typed index definition using TimeSeriesIndexDefinitionBuilder.

Examples of time series indexes

Map index - index single time series from single collection:

  • In this index, we index data from the "StockPrices" time series entries in the "Companies" collection (TradeVolume, Date).

  • In addition, we index the containing document id (DocumentID), which is obtained from the segment,
    and some content from the document referenced by the entry's Tag (EmployeeName).

  • Each tab below presents one of the different ways the index can be defined.

    class StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection(AbstractTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask):
        # The index-entry:
        # ================
        class IndexEntry:
            def __init__(
                self, trade_volume: float = None, date: datetime = None, company_id: str = None, employee_name: str = None
                # The index-fields:
                # =================
                self.trade_volume = trade_volume
       = date
                self.company_id = company_id
                self.employee_name = employee_name
        def __init__(self):
   = """
            from segment in timeSeries.Companies.StockPrices
            from entry in segment.Entries
            let employee = LoadDocument(entry.Tag, "Employees")
            select new
                trade_volume = entry.Values[4],
                date = entry.Timestamp.Date,
                company_id = segment.DocumentId,
                employee_name = employee.FirstName + " " + employee.LastName
    class StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection_JS(AbstractJavaScriptTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask):
        def __init__(self):
            self.maps = {
      'Companies', 'StockPrices', function (segment) {
                    return => {
                        let employee = load(entry.Tag, 'Employees');
                        return {
                            trade_volume: entry.Values[4],
                            date: new Date(entry.Timestamp.getFullYear(),
                            company_id: segment.DocumentId,
                            employee_name: employee.FirstName + ' ' + employee.LastName
    # Define the 'index definition'
    index_definition = TimeSeriesIndexDefinition(
            from segment in timeSeries.Companies.StockPrices 
            from entry in segment.Entries 
            let employee = LoadDocument(entry.Tag, "Employees")
            select new 
                trade_volume = entry.Values[4], 
                date = entry.Timestamp.Date,
                company_id = segment.DocumentId,
                employee_name = employee.FirstName + ' ' + employee.LastName 
    # Deploy the index to the server via 'PutIndexesOperation'
    # Create the index builder
    ts_index_def_builder = TimeSeriesIndexDefinitionBuilder("StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection") = """
        from segment in timeSeries.Companies.StockPrices
        from entry in segment.Entries
        select new 
            trade_volume = entry.Values[4],
            date = entry.Timestamp.Date,
            company_id = segment.DocumentId,
    # Build the index definition
    index_definition_from_builder = ts_index_def_builder.to_index_definition(store.conventions)
    # Deploy the index to the server via 'PutIndexesOperation'
  • Querying this index, you can retrieve the indexed time series data while filtering by any of the index-fields.

    with store.open_session() as session:
        # Retrieve time series data for the specified company:
        # ====================================================
        results = list(
                StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection, StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection.IndexEntry
            ).where_equals("company_id", "Companies/91-A")
        # Results will include data from all 'StockPrices' entries in document 'Companies/91-A'
    from index "StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection"
    where "CompanyID" == "Comapnies/91-A"
    with store.open_session() as session:
        # Find what companies had a very high trade volume:
        # =================================================
        results = list(
                StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection, StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection.IndexEntry
            .where_greater_than_or_equal("trade_volume", 150_000_000)
            .select_fields(OnlyCompanyName, "company_id")
        # Results will contain company "Companies/65-A"
        # since it is the only company with time series entries having such high trade volume.
    from index "StockPriceTimeSeriesFromCompanyCollection"
    where "TradeVolume" > 150_000_000
    select distinct CompanyID

Multi-Map index - index time series from several collections:

class Vechicles_ByLocation(AbstractMultiMapTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask):
    class IndexEntry:
        def __init__(
            self, latitude: float = None, longitude: float = None, date: datetime = None, document_id: str = None
            self.latitude = latitude
            self.longitude = longitude
   = date
            self.document_id = document_id

    def __init__(self):
            from segment in timeSeries.Planes.GPS_Coordinates
            from entry in segment.Entries
            select new
                latitude = entry.Values[0],
                longitude = entry.Values[1],
                date = entry.Timestamp.Date,
                document_id = segment.DocumentId
            from segment in timeSeries.Ships.GPS_Coordinates
            from entry in segment.Entries
            select new
                latitude = entry.Values[0],
                longitude = entry.Values[1],
                date = entry.Timestamp.Date,
                document_id = segment.DocumentId

Map-Reduce index:

class TradeVolume_PerDay_ByCountry(AbstractTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask):
    class Result:
        def __init__(self, total_trade_volume: float = None, date: datetime = None, country: str = None):
            self.total_trade_volume = total_trade_volume
   = date
   = country

    def __init__(self):
        # Define the Map part: = """
        from segment in timeSeries.Companies.StockPrices
        from entry in segment.Entries
        let company = LoadDocument(segment.DocumentId, 'Companies')
        select new
            date = entry.Timestamp.Date,
            country = company.Address.Country,
            total_trade_volume = entry.Values[4],

        # Define the Reduce part:
        self._reduce = """
        from r in results
        group r by new {,}
        into g
        select new 
            date =,
            country =,
            total_trade_volume = g.Sum(x => x.total_trade_volume)



class AbstractJavaScriptTimeSeriesIndexCreationTask(AbstractIndexCreationTaskBase[TimeSeriesIndexDefinition]):
    def __init__(
        conventions: DocumentConventions = None,
        priority: IndexPriority = None,
        lock_mode: IndexLockMode = None,
        deployment_mode: IndexDeploymentMode = None,
        state: IndexState = None,
        super().__init__(conventions, priority, lock_mode, deployment_mode, state)
        self._definition = TimeSeriesIndexDefinition()

    def maps(self) -> Set[str]:
        return self._definition.maps

    def maps(self, maps: Set[str]):
        self._definition.maps = maps

    def reduce(self) -> str:
        return self._definition.reduce

    def reduce(self, reduce: str):
        self._definition.reduce = reduce

Learn more about JavaScript indexes in JavaScript Indexes.


class TimeSeriesIndexDefinition(IndexDefinition):
    def source_type(self) -> IndexSourceType:
        return IndexSourceType.TIME_SERIES

While TimeSeriesIndexDefinition is currently functionally equivalent to the regular IndexDefinition class from which it inherits, it is recommended to use TimeSeriesIndexDefinition when creating a time series index definition in case additional functionality is added in future versions of RavenDB.


class TimeSeriesIndexDefinitionBuilder(AbstractIndexDefinitionBuilder[TimeSeriesIndexDefinition]):
    def __init__(self, index_name: Optional[str] = None):
        super().__init__(index_name) Optional[str] = None


  • Segment properties include the entries data and aggregated values that RavenDB automatically updates in the segment's header.

  • The following segment properties can be indexed:

    public sealed class TimeSeriesSegment
        // The ID of the document this time series belongs to
        public string DocumentId { get; set; }
        // The name of the time series this segment belongs to
        public string Name { get; set; }
        // The smallest values from all entries in the segment
        // The first array item is the Min of all first values, etc.
        public double[] Min { get; set; }
        // The largest values from all entries in the segment
        // The first array item is the Max of all first values, etc.
        public double[] Max { get; set; }
        // The sum of all values from all entries in the segment 
        // The first array item is the Sum of all first values, etc.
        public double[] Sum { get; set; }
        // The number of entries in the segment
        public int Count { get; set; }
        // The timestamp of the first entry in the segment
        public DateTime Start { get; set; }
        // The timestamp of the last entry in the segment
        public DateTime End { get; set; }
        // The segment's entries themselves
        public TimeSeriesEntry[] Entries { get; set; }
  • These are the properties of a TimeSeriesEntry which can be indexed:

    public class TimeSeriesEntry
        public DateTime Timestamp;
        public string Tag;
        public double[] Values;
        // This is exactly equivalent to Values[0]
        public double Value;