NoSQL Database

Articles, posts and news about NoSQL database.

RavenDB Cloud now offering NVMe based clusters

269 minutes
I’m really happy to announce that RavenDB Cloud is now offering NVMe based instances on the Performance tier. In short, that means that you can deploy RavenDB Cloud clusters to handle some truly high workloads. You can learn more about what is actually going on in our documentation. For performance numbers and costs, feel free […]

On-demand webinar: Deep Dive into the Architecture of a NoSQL Database Indexing Engine

1 minutes
Join Oren Eini, CEO of RavenDB, as he explores the design and implementation of RavenDB’s indexing engine Corax, its impact on indexing and query performance, and how the engine addresses common challenges such as slow data retrieval, high hosting expenses, and sluggish development processes. You’ll also gain valuable insights into the architecture’s performance costs and […]

Corax, Lucene, Benchmarks and lies!

460 minutes
When we started working on Corax (10 years ago!), we had a pretty simple mission statement for that: “Lucene, but 10 times faster for our use case”. When we actually started implementing this in code (early 2020), we had a few more rules about the direction we wanted to take. Corax had to be faster […]

Non fungible money in cloud accounting

692 minutes
Fungible is a funny word, mostly because you are most likely familiar with the term from NFT (non-fungible tokens) and other similar scams. At its core, it is the idea that for certain things, the instance doesn’t matter, just the amount. The classic example is that if I lend you a 50$ bill, and you […]

RavenDB Hackaton at DevWeek

209 minutes
RavenDB will be participating in the DevWeek hackathon in February. The hackathon is now live, and we are offering prizes worth 4,000 USD for the top two winners. The hackathon is open to both attendees of the DevWeek conference and the general public. The challenge we put forth is building a sharing platform in a community. […]

Optimizing cache resets for higher transaction output

22 minutes
One of the most frequent operations we make in RavenDB is getting a page pointer. That is the basis of pretty much everything that you can think of inside the storage engine. On the surface, that is pretty simple, here is the API we’ll call: public Page GetPage ( long pageNumber ) Easy, right? But […]

RavenDB HTTP Compression: Bandwidth & Time reductions

2 minutes
I recently talked about how RavenDB is now using ZStd as the default compression algorithm for backups. That led to a reduction both in the amount of storage we are consuming for backups and a significant reduction in the time to actually run the backups. We have been exploring where else we can get those […]

Recording: .NET Rocks Data Sharding with Oren Eini

1 minutes
This was actually released a while ago, I was occupied with other matters and missed that. I had a blast talking with Carl & Richard about data sharding and how we implemented that in RavenDB. What is data sharding, and why do you need it? Carl and Richard talk to Oren Eini about his latest […]

Recording: .NET Core podcast on RavenDB, performance and .NET

1 minutes
Jaime and I had a really good discussion about RavenDB, why I took the time to create my own NoSql database engine, and the fact that I built it using .NET Core before it was released (back in the pre-1.0 days, when it was known as dnx), and some of the optimisation stories that I worked […]