Migration: How to Migrate Facets and Dynamic Aggregation from 3.x

Facets and Dynamic Aggregation have been merged into a single feature and are now a part of RQL.


Facets are now divided into two types:

  • Facet where the whole spectrum of results will generate a single outcome
  • RangeFacet gives you the ability to split the whole spectrum of results into smaller ranges

The FacetSetup document also now splits the facets into two properties. One containing Facets, the other containing RangeFacets.


List<Facet> facets = new List<Facet>
    new Facet
        Name = "Manufacturer"
    new Facet<Camera>
        Name = x => x.Cost,
        Ranges =
            x => x.Cost < 200m,
            x => x.Cost > 200m && x.Cost < 400m,
            x => x.Cost > 400m && x.Cost < 600m,
            x => x.Cost > 600m && x.Cost < 800m,
            x => x.Cost > 800m
    new Facet<Camera>
        Name = x => x.Megapixels,
        Ranges =
            x => x.Megapixels < 3.0,
            x => x.Megapixels > 3.0 && x.Megapixels < 7.0,
            x => x.Megapixels > 7.0 && x.Megapixels < 10.0,
            x => x.Megapixels > 10.0

session.Store(new FacetSetup { Id = "facets/CameraFacets", Facets = facets });
List<Facet> facets = new List<Facet>
    new Facet
        FieldName = "Manufacturer"

List<RangeFacet> rangeFacets = new List<RangeFacet>
    new RangeFacet<Camera>
        Ranges =
            x => x.Cost < 200m,
            x => x.Cost > 200m && x.Cost < 400m,
            x => x.Cost > 400m && x.Cost < 600m,
            x => x.Cost > 600m && x.Cost < 800m,
            x => x.Cost > 800m
    new RangeFacet<Camera>
        Ranges =
            x => x.Megapixels < 3.0,
            x => x.Megapixels > 3.0 && x.Megapixels < 7.0,
            x => x.Megapixels > 7.0 && x.Megapixels < 10.0,
            x => x.Megapixels > 10.0

session.Store(new FacetSetup { Id = "facets/CameraFacets", Facets = facets, RangeFacets = rangeFacets });


All of the method were substituted with AggregateBy and AggregateUsing.

Example I

Dictionary<string, FacetResult> facetResults = session
    .Query<Camera, Cameras_ByManufacturerModelCostDateOfListingAndMegapixels>()
    .Where(x => x.Cost >= 100 && x.Cost <= 300)
Dictionary<string, FacetResult> facetResults = session
    .Query<Camera, Cameras_ByManufacturerModelCostDateOfListingAndMegapixels>()
    .Where(x => x.Cost >= 100 && x.Cost <= 300)

Example II

FacetResults facetResults = session
    .Query<Camera, Cameras_ByManufacturerModelCostDateOfListingAndMegapixels>()
    .Where(x => x.Cost >= 100 && x.Cost <= 300)
Dictionary<string, FacetResult> facetResults = session
    .Query<Camera, Cameras_ByManufacturerModelCostDateOfListingAndMegapixels>()
    .Where(x => x.Cost >= 100 && x.Cost <= 300)



You can read more about Facets in our dedicated Querying article, our Indexing article or Client API article.

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