Ongoing Tasks - General Info

  • Ongoing tasks are work tasks defined for the database.
  • Once defined, these tasks are ongoing, meaning that they will do the defined work for any data change in the database.
  • Each task has a responsible node from the Database Group nodes, this node will actually perform the defined task work.
  • The available ongoing tasks are:
    • External Replication
      • Replicate the database documents to another RavenDB database that is not on this Database Group
      • A live copy of the data, on the local cluster or another cluster
    • RavenDB ETL
      • Write all database documents, or just part of it, to another RavenDB database
      • Data can be filtered and modified with transformation scripts
    • SQL ETL
      • Write the database data to a relational database
      • Data can be mutated with transformation scripts
    • Backup
      • Schedule a backup or a snapshot of the database at a specified point in time
    • Subscription
      • Sending batches of documents that match a pre-defined query for processing on a client
      • Data can be mutated with transformation scripts

Ongoing Tasks - General Maintenance Operation

Delete Ongoing Task Operation

public DeleteOngoingTaskOperation(long taskId, OngoingTaskType taskType)
taskId long task id
taskType OngoingTaskType Task type : Replication, RavenEtl, SqlEtl, Backup, Subscription

Get Ongoing Task Info Operation

public GetOngoingTaskInfoOperation(long taskId, OngoingTaskType type)
taskId long task id
taskType OngoingTaskType Task type : Replication, RavenEtl, SqlEtl, Backup, Subscription

public GetOngoingTaskInfoOperation(string taskName, OngoingTaskType type)
taskName string task name
taskType OngoingTaskType Task type : Replication, RavenEtl, SqlEtl, Backup, Subscription