Indexes: Indexing Compare Exchange Values
Compare exchange values can be loaded within an index using the value's key.
The index will update when the compare exchange value is updated, as well as when documents are modified in the indexed collection(s).
In this page:
How to use
When creating an index using AbstractIndexCreationTask
, use javaScript
to load a compare exchange value by its key.
These indexes map the rooms in a hotel, as well as compare exchange values representing the guests in those rooms.
private class Compare_Exchange_JS_Index extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask{
public Compare_Exchange_JS_Index()
"map('HotelRooms', function (room) {\n"+
" var guests = cmpxchg(room.RoomID);\n"+
" return {\n"+
" RoomID: room.RoomID,\n"+
" Guests: guests\n"+
" }\n"+
Querying the Index
IRawDocumentQuery<Hotelroom> VIPRooms = session.advanced().rawQuery(Hotelroom.class,
"from Hotelrooms as room\n" +
"where room.Guests == cmpxchg('VIP')");