Commands: Patches: How to work with patch requests?

Patch command is used to perform partial document updates without having to load, modify, and save a full document. This is usually useful for updating denormalized data in entities.


 * Sends a patch request for a specific document, ignoring document's Etag and if it is missing
 * @param key Key of the document to patch
 * @param patches Array of patch requests
 * @return
public RavenJObject patch(String key, PatchRequest[] patches);

 * Sends a patch request for a specific document, ignoring the document's Etag
 * @param key Key of the document to patch
 * @param patches Array of patch requests
 * @param ignoreMissing true if the patch request should ignore a missing document, false to throw DocumentDoesNotExistException
 * @return
public RavenJObject patch(String key, PatchRequest[] patches, boolean ignoreMissing);

 * Sends a patch request for a specific document
 * @param key Key of the document to patch
 * @param patches Array of patch requests
 * @param etag Require specific Etag [null to ignore]
 * @return
public RavenJObject patch(String key, PatchRequest[] patches, Etag etag);

 * Sends a patch request for a specific document which may or may not currently exist
 * @param key Id of the document to patch
 * @param patchesToExisting Array of patch requests to apply to an existing document
 * @param patchesToDefault Array of patch requests to apply to a default document when the document is missing
 * @param defaultMetadata The metadata for the default document when the document is missing
 * @return
public RavenJObject patch(String key, PatchRequest[] patchesToExisting, PatchRequest[] patchesToDefault, RavenJObject defaultMetadata);


public class PatchRequest {
  private PatchCommandType type = PatchCommandType.SET;
  private RavenJToken prevVal;
  private RavenJToken value;
  private PatchRequest[] nested;
  private String name;
  private Integer position;
  private Boolean allPositions;

  public PatchRequest() {
  public PatchRequest(PatchCommandType type, String name, RavenJToken value) {
    this.type = type; = name;
    this.value = value;

  public PatchCommandType getType() {
    return type;

  public void setType(PatchCommandType type) {
    this.type = type;

  public RavenJToken getPrevVal() {
    return prevVal;

  public void setPrevVal(RavenJToken prevVal) {
    this.prevVal = prevVal;

  public RavenJToken getValue() {
    return value;

  public void setValue(RavenJToken value) {
    this.value = value;

  public PatchRequest[] getNested() {
    return nested;

  public void setNested(PatchRequest[] nested) {
    this.nested = nested;

  public String getName() {
    return name;

  public void setName(String name) { = name;

  public Integer getPosition() {
    return position;

  public void setPosition(Integer position) {
    this.position = position;

  public Boolean getAllPositions() {
    return allPositions;

  public void setAllPositions(Boolean allPositions) {
    this.allPositions = allPositions;

public enum PatchCommandType {

   * Set a property
   * Unset (remove) a property

   * Add an item to an array

   *  Insert an item to an array at a specified position

   * Remove an item from an array at a specified position

   *  Modify a property value by providing a nested set of patch operation

   *  Increment a property by a specified value

   * Copy a property value to another property

   * Rename a property

Example I

// change FirstName to Robert
store.getDatabaseCommands().patch("employees/1", new PatchRequest[] {
  new PatchRequest(PatchCommandType.SET, "FirstName", RavenJToken.fromObject("Robert"))

Example II

// change FirstName to Robert and LastName to Carter in single request
store.getDatabaseCommands().patch("employees/1", new PatchRequest[] {
  new PatchRequest(PatchCommandType.SET, "FirstName", RavenJToken.fromObject("Robert")),
  new PatchRequest(PatchCommandType.SET, "LastName", RavenJToken.fromObject("Carter")),

Example III

// add new property Age with value of 30
store.getDatabaseCommands().patch("employees/1", new PatchRequest[] {
  new PatchRequest(PatchCommandType.ADD, "Age", RavenJToken.fromObject(30)),

Example IV

// increment Age property value by 10
store.getDatabaseCommands().patch("employees/1", new PatchRequest[] {
  new PatchRequest(PatchCommandType.INC, "Age", RavenJToken.fromObject(10)),

Example V

// remove property Age
store.getDatabaseCommands().patch("employees/1", new PatchRequest[] {
  new PatchRequest(PatchCommandType.UNSET, "Age", null),

Example VI

// rename FirstName to First
store.getDatabaseCommands().patch("employees/1", new PatchRequest[] {
  new PatchRequest(PatchCommandType.RENAME, "FirstName", RavenJToken.fromObject("First")),

Example VII

// add a new comment to Comments
BlogComment blogComment = new BlogComment();
blogComment.setContent("Lore ipsum");
blogComment.setTitle("Some title");
store.getDatabaseCommands().patch("blogposts/1", new PatchRequest[] {
  new PatchRequest(PatchCommandType.ADD, "Comments", RavenJToken.fromObject(blogComment)),

Example VIII

// insert a new comment at position 0 to Comments
BlogComment comment = new BlogComment();
comment.setContent("Lore ipsum");
comment.setTitle("Some title");
PatchRequest patchRequest = new PatchRequest(PatchCommandType.INSERT, "Comments", RavenJToken.fromObject(comment));
store.getDatabaseCommands().patch("blogposts/1", new PatchRequest[] {

Example IX

// modify a comment at position 3 in Comments
PatchRequest subPatch = new PatchRequest(PatchCommandType.SET, "Title", RavenJToken.fromObject("New title"));
PatchRequest mainPatch = new PatchRequest();
mainPatch.setNested(new PatchRequest[] { subPatch });
store.getDatabaseCommands().patch("blogposts/1", new PatchRequest[] {