Session: Opening a Session

  • A Session object is obtained from the Document Store.

  • A Session can operate Synchronously or Asynchronously.

    • OpenSession() - Open a Session for a Synchrounous mode of operation.
    • OpenAsyncSession() - Open a Session for Asychrounous mode of operation.
  • Various Session options can be configured using the SessionOptions object.

  • Be sure to wrap the Session variable with a 'using' statement to ensure proper disposal.

  • If no database is specified then the Default Database (stored in the Document Store) is assumed.

  • In this page:


OpenSession() / OpenAsyncSession() have three overloads:

// Open a Session for the default database configured in `DocumentStore.Database`
IDocumentSession OpenSession();

// Open a Session for a specified database
IDocumentSession OpenSession(string database);

// Open a Session and pass it a preconfigured SessionOptions object
IDocumentSession OpenSession(SessionOptions options);
// Open a Session for the default database configured in `DocumentStore.Database`
IAsyncDocumentSession OpenAsyncSession();

// Open a Session for a specified database
IAsyncDocumentSession OpenAsyncSession(string database);

// Open a Session and pass it a preconfigured SessionOptions object
IAsyncDocumentSession OpenAsyncSession(SessionOptions options);
Parameter Type Description
database string The Session will operate on this database, overriding the default database set in the document store
options SessionOptions An object with Session configuration options. See details below
Return Value Description
IDocumentSession / IAsyncDocumentSession Instance of a Session object

Session Options

The SessionOptions object contains various options to configure the Session's behavior.

Option Type Description Default Value
Database string The Session will operate on this database, overriding the Default Database. null - the Session operates on the Default Database
NoTracking boolean Whether the Session should track changes made to all entities that it has either loaded, stored, or queried on.
See Disable Tracking Example
NoCaching boolean Whether the Session should cache the server responses.
See Disable Caching Example
RequestExecutor RequestExecutor (Advanced) The request executor the Session should use null - the default request executor is used
TransactionMode TransactionMode Specify the Session's transaction mode (SingleNode / ClusterWide).
See Cluster-Wide Transactions


Here is an example of opening a Session using a SessionOptions object:

using (var store = new DocumentStore())
    // Open a Session in synchronous operation mode for cluster-wide transactions

    SessionOptions options = new SessionOptions
        Database = "your_database_name",
        TransactionMode = TransactionMode.ClusterWide

    using (IDocumentSession Session = store.OpenSession(options))
        //   Run your business logic:
        //   Store documents
        //   Load and Modify documents
        //   Query indexes & collections 
        //   Delete documents
        //   ... etc.

using (var store = new DocumentStore())
    // Open a Session in asynchronous operation mode for cluster-wide transactions

    SessionOptions options = new SessionOptions
        Database = "your_database_name",
        TransactionMode = TransactionMode.ClusterWide

    using (IAsyncDocumentSession Session = store.OpenAsyncSession(options))
        //   Run your business logic:
        //   Store documents
        //   Load and Modify documents
        //   Query indexes & collections 
        //   Delete documents
        //   ... etc.

        await Session.SaveChangesAsync();