Authentication: Manual Certificate Configuration
In RavenDB, configuration values can be set using environment variables, command line arguments or using the settings.json file. For more details, please read the Configuration Section.
This section explains how to setup authentication manually. Please also take a look at the automated Setup Wizard which lets you setup authentication in a much easier and faster way.
To enable authentication, either Security.Certificate.Path
or Security.Certificate.Exec
must be set in settings.json.
RavenDB will accept PFX server certificates which contain the private key, are not expired and have the following fields:
- KeyUsage: DigitalSignature, KeyEncipherment
- ExtendedKeyUsage: Client Authentication, Server Authentication
The first way to enable authentication is to set Security.Certificate.Path
with the path to your .pfx
server certificate. You may supply the certificate password using Security.Certificate.Password
When providing a certificate for authentication, you must also set the ServerUrl
configuration option to an HTTPS address.
For example, this is a typical settings.json:
"ServerUrl": "https://rvn-srv-1:8080",
"Setup.Mode": "None",
"DataDir": "/home/RavenData",
"Security.Certificate": {
"Path": "/home/secrets/server.pfx",
"Password": "s3cr7t p@$$w0rd"
The second way to enable authentication is to set Security.Certificate.Exec
This option is useful when you want to protect your certificate (private key) with other solutions such as "Azure Key Vault", "HashiCorp Vault" or even Hardware-Based Protection. RavenDB will invoke a process you specify, so you can write your own scripts / mini programs and apply whatever logic you need. It creates a clean separation between RavenDB and the secret store in use.
RavenDB expects to get the raw binary representation (byte array) of the .pfx certificate through the standard output.
Let's look at an example - a simple powershell script called give_me_cert.ps1
$thumbprint = $args[0]
$cert = gci "cert:\CurrentUser\my\$thumbprint"
$exportedCertBinary = $cert.Export("Pfx")
$stdout = [System.Console]::OpenStandardOutput()
$stdout.Write($exportedCertBinary, 0, $exportedCertBinary.Length)
write-error $_.Exception
exit 3
And settings.json will look something like this:
"ServerUrl": "https://rvn-srv-1:8080",
"Setup.Mode": "None",
"DataDir": "RavenData",
"Security.Certificate.Exec": "powershell",
"Security.Certificate.Exec.Arguments": "C:\\secrets\\give_me_cert.ps1 90F4BC16CA5E5CB535A6CD8DD78CBD3E88FC6FEA"
In all secure configurations, the ServerUrl
must contain the same domain name that is used in the certificate (under the CN or ASN properties).
When the server is running with a certificate for the first time, there are no client certificates registered in the server yet. The first action an administrator will do is to generate/register a new client certificate. You can do this by using the RavenDB CLI (generateClientCert) or by using a client, see the Client Certificate Usage section for a detailed example.