Cloud Portal: The Support Tab

The Support Tab

"Figure 1 - Support Tab"

Figure 1 - Support Tab

The root selection is between submitting a support request regarding a general topic or a product-related one.

Submit a General Support request

"Figure 2 - Support General Message"

Figure 2 - Support General Message

1. Select to raise a general question.
2. Select the expected response time: Standard, Next business day, or Within 2 hours.
3. Enter your support request title.
4. Enter your question.
5. Submit your support request.

You can read more about the Response time types in the Support page.

"Figure 3 - Support Product-Related Message"

Figure 3 - Support Product-Related Message

1. Select to raise a Product-related question.
2. Select the product you relate to.
3. Select the expected response time: Standard, Next business day, or Within 2 hours.
4. Select the issue category.
5. Select the option associated with the instance restart action.
6. Enter your support request title.
7. Enter your question.
8. Submit your support request.

You can read more about the Response time types in the Support page.

Request to enable the Cloud Support option

"Figure 4 - Request to enable the Cloud Support option"

Figure 4 - Request to enable the Cloud Support option

To request the Cloud Support option, please click the Request Cloud Support Activation button. This will send a support request to our RavenDB Cloud support team. After verification, the support team will add the support option to your account, which will be confirmed in a separate email.

The Cloud Support Activation email requests the enabling of the Cloud Support option for a period of 12 months. If you want to change this period, please send a support request via the Support form.

Cloud Support activation takes up to 3 business days.

You can read more about available support options in the Support page.