Sort Query Results

Order by field value

  • Use orderBy or orderByDescending to order the results by the specified document-field.

const products = await session
     // Make a dynamic query on the 'products' collection    
    .query({ collection: "products" })
     // Apply filtering (optional)
    .whereGreaterThan("UnitsInStock", 10)
     // Call 'orderBy'
     // Pass the document-field by which to order the results and the ordering type
    .orderBy("UnitsInStock", "Long")

// Results will be sorted by the 'UnitsInStock' value in ascending order,
// with smaller values listed first.
from "Products"
where UnitsInStock > 10
order by UnitsInStock as long

Ordering Type:

  • If no ordering type is specified in the query then the server will apply the default lexicographical ordering.

  • In the above example, the ordering type was set to Long.

  • Different ordering can be forced - see Force ordering type below.

Order by score

  • When querying with some filtering conditions, a basic score is calculated for each item in the results
    by the underlying indexing engine. (Read more about Lucene scoring here).

  • The higher the score value the better the match.

  • Use orderByScore or orderByScoreDescending to order by this score.

const products = await session
    .query({ collection: "products" })
     // Apply filtering
    .whereLessThan("UnitsInStock", 5)
    .whereEquals("Discontinued", true)
     // Call 'orderByScore'

// Results will be sorted by the score value
// with best matching documents (higher score values) listed first.
from "Products"
where UnitsInStock < 5 or Discontinued == true
order by score()

Get resulting score:

  • The score is available in the @index-score metadata property within each result.
    See how to get the resulting score from the metadata here.

  • To get the score details and see how it was calculated, you can request to include explanations in the query.
    See Include Query Explanations.

Order by random

  • Use randomOrdering to randomize the order of the query results.

  • An optional seed parameter can be passed.

const products = await session
    .query({ collection: "products" })
    .whereGreaterThan("UnitsInStock", 10)
     // Call 'randomOrdering'
     // An optional seed can be passed, e.g.:
     // .randomOrdering("someSeed")

// Results will be randomly ordered.
from "Products"
where UnitsInStock > 10
order by random()
// order by random(someSeed)

Order by spatial

  • If your data contains geographical locations,
    spatial query results can be sorted based on their distance from a specific point.

  • See detailed explanation in Spatial Sorting.

Order by count (aggregation query)

  • The results of a group-by query can be sorted by the count aggregation operation used in the query.

const numberOfProductsPerCategory = await session
    .query({ collection: "products" })
     // Group by category
     // Count the number of product documents per category
     // Order by the count value
    .orderBy("count", "Long")

// Results will contain the number of Product documents per category
// ordered by that count in ascending order.
from "Products"
group by Category
order by count() as long
select key() as "Category", count()

Order by sum (aggregation query)

  • The results of a group-by query can be sorted by the sum aggregation operation used in the query.

const numberOfUnitsInStockPerCategory = await session
    .query({ collection: "products" })
     // Group by category
     // Sum the number of units in stock per category
    .selectSum(new GroupByField("UnitsInStock", "sum"))
     // Order by the sum value
    .orderBy("sum", "Long")

// Results will contain the total number of units in stock per category
// ordered by that number in ascending order.
from "Products"
group by Category
order by sum as long
select key() as 'Category', sum(UnitsInStock) as sum

Force ordering type

  • If no ordering type is specified in the query then the server will apply the default lexicographical ordering.

  • A different ordering can be forced by passing the ordering type explicitly to orderBy or orderByDescending.

  • The following ordering types are available:

    • Long
    • Double
    • AlphaNumeric
    • String (lexicographic ordering)

Using alphanumeric ordering example:

  • When ordering mixed-character strings by the default lexicographical ordering
    then comparison is done character by character based on the Unicode values.
    For example, "Abc9" will come after "Abc10" since 9 is greater than 1.

  • If you want the digit characters to be ordered as numbers then use alphanumeric ordering
    where "Abc10" will result after "Abc9".

const products = await session
    .query({ collection: "products" })
     // Call 'OrderBy', order by field 'QuantityPerUnit'
     // Pass a second param, requesting to order the text alphanumerically
    .orderBy("QuantityPerUnit", "AlphaNumeric")
from "Products"
order by QuantityPerUnit as alphanumeric

// Running the above query on the NorthWind sample data,
// would produce the following order for the QuantityPerUnit field:
// ================================================================

// "1 kg pkg."
// "1k pkg."
// "2 kg box."
// "4 - 450 g glasses"
// "5 kg pkg."
// ...

// While running with the default Lexicographical ordering would have produced:
// ============================================================================

// "1 kg pkg."
// "10 - 200 g glasses"
// "10 - 4 oz boxes"
// "10 - 500 g pkgs."
// "10 - 500 g pkgs."
// ...

Chain ordering

  • It is possible to chain multiple orderings in the query.
    Any combination of secondary sorting is possible as the fields are indexed independently of one another.

  • There is no limit on the number of sorting actions that can be chained.

const products = await session
    .query({ collection: "products" })
    .whereGreaterThan("UnitsInStock", 10)
     // Apply the primary sort by 'UnitsInStock'
    .orderByDescending("UnitsInStock", "Long")
     // Apply a secondary sort by the score
     // Apply another sort by 'Name'

// Results will be sorted by the 'UnitsInStock' value (descending),
// then by score,
// and then by 'Name' (ascending).
from "Products"
where UnitsInStock > 10
order by UnitsInStock as long desc, score(), Name

Custom sorters

  • The Lucene indexing engine allows you to create your own custom sorters.
    Custom sorters can be deployed to the server by either:

  • Once the custom sorter is deployed, you can sort the query results with it.

const products = await session
    .query({ collection: "products" })
    .whereGreaterThan("UnitsInStock", 10)
     // Order by field 'UnitsInStock', pass the name of your custom sorter class
    .orderBy("UnitsInStock", { sorterName: "MySorter" })

// Results will be sorted by the 'UnitsInStock' value
// according to the logic from 'MySorter' class
from "Products"
where UnitsInStock > 10
order by custom(UnitsInStock, "MySorter")


// orderBy overloads:
orderBy(field, ordering);
orderBy(field, options);

// orderByDescending overloads:
orderByDescending(field, ordering);
orderByDescending(field, options);
Parameter Type Description
field string The name of the field to sort by
ordering string The ordering type that will be used to sort the results:
String (default)
options object An object that specifies the custom sorterName