Full-Text Search with Index

  • Prior to this article, please refer to Full-Text search with dynamic queries
    to learn about the search method.

  • All capabilities provided by search with a dynamic query can also be used when querying a static-index.

  • However, as opposed to making a dynamic search query where an auto-index is created for you,
    when using a static-index:

    • You must configure the index-field in which you want to search.
      See examples below.

    • You can configure which analyzer will be used to tokenize this field.
      See selecting an analyzer.

Indexing single field for FTS

The index:

class Employees_ByNotes extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {

    constructor() {

        // Define the index-fields 
        this.map("Employees", e => ({
            employeeNotes : e.Notes

        // Configure the index-field for FTS:
        // Set 'Search' on index-field 'employeeNotes'
        this.index("employeeNotes", "Search");
        // Optionally: Set your choice of analyzer for the index-field.
        // Here the text from index-field 'employeeNotes' will be tokenized by 'WhitespaceAnalyzer'.
        this.analyze("employeeNotes", "WhitespaceAnalyzer");

        // Note:
        // If no analyzer is set then the default 'RavenStandardAnalyzer' is used.

Query with Search:

  • Using the search method has the advantage of using any of its functionalities,
    such as using wildcards, searching for multiple terms, etc.

  • Refer to Full-Text search with dynamic queries for all available Search options.

const employees = await session
     // Query the index
    .query({ indexName: "Employees/ByNotes" })
     // Call 'Search':
     // pass the index field name that was configured for FTS and the term to search for.
    .search("employeeNotes", "French")

// * Results will contain all Employee documents that have 'French' in their 'Notes' field.
// * Search is case-sensitive since field was indexed using the 'WhitespaceAnalyzer'
//   which preserves casing.
from index "Employees/ByNotes"
where search(employeeNotes, "French")

Indexing multiple fields for FTS

The index:

class Employees_ByEmployeeData extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {

    constructor() {

        // Define the index-fields 
        this.map("Employees", e => ({
            // Multiple document-fields can be indexed
            // into the single index-field 'employeeData' 
            employeeData : [e.FirstName, e.LastName, e.Title, e.Notes]

        // Configure the index-field for FTS:
        // Set 'Search' on index-field 'employeeNotes'
        this.index("employeeNotes", "Search");

        // Note:
        // Since no analyzer is set then the default 'RavenStandardAnalyzer' is used.

Sample query:

const employees = await session
     // Query the static-index
    .query({ indexName: "Employees/ByEmployeeData" })
     // A logical OR is applied between the following two Search calls:
    .search("employeeData", "Manager")
     // A logical AND is applied between the following two terms: 
    .search("employeeData", "French Spanish", "AND")

// * Results will contain all Employee documents that have:
//   ('Manager' in any of the 4 document-fields that were indexed)
//   OR 
//   ('French' AND 'Spanish' in any of the 4 document-fields that were indexed)
// * Search is case-insensitive since the default analyzer is used
from index "Employees/ByEmployeeData"
where (search(employeeData, "Manager") or search(employeeData, "French Spanish", and))

Boosting search results

  • In order to prioritize results, you can provide a boost value to the searched terms.
    This can be applied by either of the following:

    • Add a boost value to the relevant index-field inside the index definition.
      Refer to article indexes - boosting.

    • Add a boost value to the queried terms at query time.
      Refer to article Boost search results.