Get Query Statistics

  • Detailed query statistics can be retrieved for every executed query using the Statistics method.

  • Stats such as query duration, number of results, index name used in the query, and more,
    are returned in the QueryStatistics object.

  • In This Page:

Get query statistics

List<Employee> employees = session
    .Where(x => x.FirstName == "Anne")
     // Get query stats:
     // * Call 'Statistics'
     // * Pass an out 'QueryStatistics' param for getting the stats
    .Statistics(out QueryStatistics stats)

int numberOfResults = stats.TotalResults; // Get results count
long queryDuration = stats.DurationInMs;  // Get query duration
string indexNameUsed = stats.IndexName;   // Get index name used in query
// ...
List<Employee> employees = await asyncSession
    .Where(x => x.FirstName == "Anne")
     // Get query stats:
     // * Call 'Statistics'
     // * Pass an out 'QueryStatistics' param for getting the stats
    .Statistics(out QueryStatistics stats)

int numberOfResults = stats.TotalResults; // Get results count
long queryDuration = stats.DurationInMs;  // Get query duration
string indexNameUsed = stats.IndexName;   // Get index name used in query
// ...
List<Employee> employees = session.Advanced
    .WhereEquals(x => x.FirstName, "Anne")
     // Get query stats:
     // * Call 'Statistics'
     // * Pass an out 'QueryStatistics' param for getting the stats
    .Statistics(out QueryStatistics stats)

int numberOfResults = stats.TotalResults; // Get results count
long queryDuration = stats.DurationInMs;  // Get query duration
string indexNameUsed = stats.IndexName;   // Get index name used in query
// ...
from "Employees" where FirstName == "Anne"


IRavenQueryable<T> Statistics(out QueryStatistics stats);
Parameter Type Description
stats QueryStatistics An 'out' param for getting the query statistics

public class QueryStatistics
    public bool IsStale { get; set; }
    public long DurationInMs { get; set; }
    public int TotalResults { get; set; }
    public long LongTotalResults { get; set; }
    public int SkippedResults { get; set; }
    public DateTime Timestamp { get; set; }
    public string IndexName { get; set; }
    public DateTime IndexTimestamp { get; set; }
    public DateTime LastQueryTime { get; set; }
    public long? ResultEtag { get; set; }
    public string NodeTag { get; set; }
Property Type Description
IsStale bool Are the results returned by the query potentially stale
DurationInMs long Query duration on the server side in Milliseconds
TotalResults int The total count of results that matched the query as Int32.
Matching query results can also be counted as Int32 using Count.
LongTotalResults long The total count of the results that matched the query as Int64.
Matching query results can also be counted as Int64 using LongCount.
SkippedResults int The number of results skipped by the server.
Learn more in paging through tampered results.
Timestamp DateTime The time when the query results were unstale
IndexName string The name of the queried index
IndexTimestamp IndexTimestamp The timestamp of the queried index
LastQueryTime DateTime The timestamp of the last time the index was queried
ResultEtag long? Results Etag
NodeTag string Tag of the cluster node that responded to the query