Indexes: Dynamic Index Fields

Indexing documents fields KEYS

Example - index any field under object

The following allows you to:

  • Index any field that is under the some object from the document.
  • After index is deployed, any new field added to the this object will be indexed as well.

The document:

class Product {
    constructor(id, attributes) { = id;

        // The KEYS under the attributes object will be dynamically indexed 
        // Fields added to this object after index creation time will also get indexed
        this.attributes = attributes;

// Sample document content
    "attributes": {
        "color": "Red",
        "size": 42

The index:

  • The following index will index any field under the attributes object from the document,
    a dynamic-index-field will be created for each such field.
    New fields added to the object after index creation time will be dynamically indexed as well.

  • The actual dynamic-index-field name on which you can query will be the attribute field key.
    e.g. Keys color & size will become the actual dynamic-index-fields.

class Products_ByAttributeKey_JS extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    constructor() {

        const { createField } = this.mapUtils();"Products", p => {
            return {
                // Call 'createField' to generate dynamic-index-fields from the attributes object keys
                // Using '_' is just a convention. Any other string can be used instead of '_'

                // The actual field name will be the key
                // The actual field terms will be derived from p.attributes[key]
                _: Object.keys(p.attributes).map(key => createField(key, p.attributes[key], {
                    indexing: "Search",
                    storage: false,
                    termVector: null

The query:

  • You can now query the generated dynamic-index fields.
    Property _ is Not queryable, it is only used in the index definition syntax.

  • To get all documents with some 'size' use:

const matchingDocuments = session.query({indexName: 'Products_ByAttributeKey'})
     // 'size' is a dynamic-index-field that was indexed from the attributes object
    .whereEquals('size', 42)
// 'size' is a dynamic-index-field that was indexed from the attributes object
from index 'Products/ByAttributeKey' where size = 42

Example - index any field

The following allows you to:

  • Define an index on a collection without needing any common structure between the indexed documents.
  • After index is deployed, any new field added to the document will be indexed as well.

Consider if that is a true necessity, as indexing every single field can end up costing time and disk space.

The document:

class Product {
    constructor(id, firstName, lastName, title) { = id;

        // All KEYS in the document will be dynamically indexed 
        // Fields added to the document after index creation time will also get indexed
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.title = title;
        // ...

// Sample document content
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "title": "Engineer",
    // ...

The index:

  • The following index will index any field from the document,
    a dynamic-index-field will be created for each field.
    New fields added to the document after index creation time will be dynamically indexed as well.

  • The actual dynamic-index-field name on which you can query will be the field key.
    e.g. Keys firstName & lastName will become the actual dynamic-index-fields.

class Products_ByAnyField_JS extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    constructor () {

        const { createField } = this.mapUtils();"Products", p => {
            return {
                // This will index EVERY FIELD under the top level of the document
                _: Object.keys(p).map(key => createField(key, p[key], {
                    indexing: "Search",
                    storage: true,
                    termVector: null

The query:

  • To get all documents with some 'lastName' use:

const matchingDocuments = session.query({ indexName: 'Products_ByAnyField_JS' })
     // 'lastName' is a dynamic-index-field that was indexed from the document
    .whereEquals('lastName', 'Doe')
// 'lastName' is a dynamic-index-field that was indexed from the document
from index 'Products/ByAnyField/JS' where lastName = "Doe"

Indexing documents fields VALUES

Example - basic

This example shows:

  • Only the basic concept of creating a dynamic-index-field from the value of a document field.
  • Documents can then be queried based on those indexed values.
  • For a more practical usage see the Example below.

The document:

class Product {
    constructor(id, productType, pricePerUnit) { = id;

        // The VALUE of productType will be dynamically indexed
        this.productType = productType;
        this.pricePerUnit = pricePerUnit;

// Sample document content
    "productType": "Electronics",
    "pricePerUnit": 23

The index:

  • The following index will index the value of document field 'productType'.

  • This value will be the dynamic-index-field name on which you can query.
    e.g. Field value Electronics will be the dynamic-index-field.

class Products_ByProductType extends AbstractCsharpIndexCreationTask {
    constructor () {

        // The field name will be the value of document field 'productType'
        // The field terms will be derived from document field 'pricePerUnit' = "docs.Products.Select(p => new { " +
            "    _ = this.CreateField(p.productType, p.pricePerUnit) " +
class Products_ByProductType_JS extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    constructor () {

        const { createField } = this.mapUtils();"Products", p => {
            return {
                _: [
                    // The field name will be the value of document field 'productType'
                    // The field terms will be derived from document field 'pricePerUnit'
                    createField(p.productType, p.pricePerUnit, {
                        indexing: "Search",
                        storage: false,
                        termVector: null

The query:

  • To get all documents of some product type having a specific price per unit use:

const matchingDocuments = session.query({ indexName: 'Products_ByProductType' })
     // 'Electronics' is the dynamic-index-field that was indexed from document field 'productType'
    .whereEquals('Electronics', 23)
// 'Electronics' is the dynamic-index-field that was indexed from document field 'productType'
from index 'Products/ByProductType' where Electronics = 23

Example - list

The following allows you to:

  • Index values from items in a list
  • After index is deployed, any item added this list in the document will be dynamically indexed as well.

The document:

class Product {
    constructor(id, name, attributes) { = id; = name;

        // For each element in this list, the VALUE of property 'propName' will be dynamically indexed
        // e.g. Color, Width, Length (in ex. below) will become dynamic-index-fields
        this.attributes = attributes;

class Attribute {
    constructor(propName, propValue) {
        this.propName = propName;
        this.propValue = propValue;

// Sample document content
    "name": "SomeName",
    "attributes": [
            "propName": "Color",
            "propValue": "Blue"
            "propName": "Width",
            "propValue": "10"
            "propName": "Length",
            "propValue": "20"

The index:

  • The following index will create a dynamic-index-field per item in the document's attributes list.
    New items added to the attributes list after index creation time will be dynamically indexed as well.

  • The actual dynamic-index-field name on which you can query will be the item's propName value.
    e.g. 'propName' value Width will be a dynamic-index-field.

class Attributes_ByName extends AbstractCsharpIndexCreationTask
    constructor () {

        // For each attribute item, the field name will be the value of field 'propName'
        // The field terms will be derived from field 'propValue'
        // A regular-index-field (Name) is defined as well =
            "docs.Products.Select(p => new { " +
            "    _ = p.attributes.Select(item => this.CreateField(item.propName, item.propValue)), " +
            "    Name = " +
class Attributes_ByName_JS extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    constructor () {

        const { createField } = this.mapUtils();"Products", p => {
            return {
                // For each item, the field name will be the value of field 'propName'
                // The field terms will be derived from field 'propValue'
                _: => createField(item.propName, item.propValue, {
                    indexing: "Search",
                    storage: true,
                    termVector: null

                // A regular-index-field can be defined as well:

The query:

  • To get all documents matching a specific attribute property use:

const matchingDocuments = session.query({ indexName: 'Attributes/ByName' })
     // 'Width' is a dynamic-index-field that was indexed from the attributes list
    .whereEquals('Width', 10)
// 'Width' is a dynamic-index-field that was indexed from the attributes list
from index 'Attributes/ByName' where Width = 10

CreateField syntax

Syntax for LINQ-index:

object CreateField(string name, object value);

object CreateField(string name, object value, bool stored, bool analyzed);

object CreateField(string name, object value, CreateFieldOptions options);

Syntax for JavaScript-index:

createField(fieldName, fieldValue, options); // returns object
fieldName string Name of the dynamic-index-field
fieldValue object Value of the dynamic-index-field
The field Terms are derived from this value.
stored bool Sets FieldStorage

false - will set FieldStorage.No (default value)
true - will set FieldStorate.Yes
analyzed bool Sets FieldIndexing

null - FieldIndexing.Default (default value)
false - FieldIndexing.Exact
true - FieldIndexing.Search
options CreateFieldOptions Dynamic-index-field options
Storage FieldStorage? Learn about storing data in the index.
Indexing FieldIndexing? Learn about using analyzers in the index.
TermVector FieldTermVector? Learn about term vectors in the index.

  • All above examples have used the character _ in the dynamic-index-field definition.
    However, using _ is just a convention. Any other string can be used instead.

  • This property is Not queryable, it is only used in the index definition syntax.
    The actual dynamic-index-fields that are generated are defined by the CreateField method.

Indexed fields & terms view

The generated dynamic-index-fields and their indexed terms can be viewed in the Terms View.
Below are sample index fields & their terms generated from the last example.

Figure 1. Go to terms view

Figure-1: Go to Terms View

Figure 2. Indexed fields & terms

Figure-2: Indexed fields & terms