Perform a Lazy Query

Lazy query

// Define a lazy query
const lazyEmployees = session
    .query({ collection: "Employees" })
    .whereEquals("FirstName", "Robert")
     // Add a call to 'lazily'

const employees = await lazyEmployees.getValue(); // Query is executed here

Lazy count query

// Define a lazy count query
const lazyCount = session
    .query({ collection: "Employees" })
    .whereEquals("FirstName", "Robert")
     // Add a call to 'countLazily'

const count = await lazyCount.getValue(); // Query is executed here

Lazy suggestions query

// Define a lazy suggestion query
const lazySuggestions = session
    .query({ collection: "Products" })
    .suggestUsing(builder => builder.byField("Name", "chaig"))
     // Add a call to 'executeLazy'

const suggestResult = await lazySuggestions.getValue(); // Query is executed here
const suggestions = suggestResult["Name"].suggestions;

Lazy facets query

// The facets definition used in the facets query:
// ===============================================
const categoryNameFacet = new Facet();

categoryNameFacet.fieldName = "categoryName";
categoryNameFacet.displayFieldName = "Product Category";

const rangeFacet = new RangeFacet();
rangeFacet.ranges = [
    "pricePerUnit < " + 25,
    "pricePerUnit >= " + 25 + " and pricePerUnit < " + 50,
    "pricePerUnit >= " + 50 + " and pricePerUnit < " + 100,
    "pricePerUnit >= " + 100
rangeFacet.displayFieldName = 'Price per Unit';

const facetsDefinition = [categoryNameFacet, rangeFacet];

// The lazy factes query:
// ======================
const lazyFacets = session
    .query({ indexName: "Products/ByCategoryAndPrice" })
     // Add a call to 'executeLazy'

const facets = await lazyFacets.getValue(); // Query is executed here

const categoryResults = facets["Product Category"];
const priceResults = facets["Price per Unit"];
// The index definition used in the facets query:
class Products_ByCategoryAndPrice extends AbstractJavaScriptIndexCreationTask {
    constructor() {

        const { load } = this.mapUtils();"Products", product => {
            return {
                categoryName: load(product.Category, "Categories").Name,
                pricePerUnit: product.PricePerUnit




Parameters Type Description
onEval (object[]) => void An action that will be performed on the query results
when the query is executed.
Return Value
object A Lazy instance that will evaluate the query only when needed.