Delete Compare Exchange Operation

  • Use DeleteCompareExchangeValueOperation to delete a compare-exchange item.

  • The compare-exchange item is only deleted if the index in the request is equal to the current index
    stored on the server for the specified key.

  • Compare-exchange items can also be deleted via advanced session methods, or from the Studio.

  • In this page:

Delete compare exchange item

// Get an existing compare-exchange item
const getCmpXchgOp = new GetCompareExchangeValueOperation("");
const itemResult = await documentStore.operations.send(getCmpXchgOp);

// Keep the item's version
const versionOfItem = itemResult.index; 

// Delete the compare-exchange item:
// =================================

// Define the delete compare-exchange operation, pass:
// * The item's KEY
// * The item's INDEX (its version)
//   The compare-exchange item will only be deleted if this number 
//   is equal to the one stored on the server when the delete operation is executed.
const deleteCmpXchgOp = new DeleteCompareExchangeValueOperation("", versionOfItem);

// Execute the operation by passing it to operations.send
const deleteResult = await documentStore.operations.send(deleteCmpXchgOp);

// Verify delete results:


const deleteCmpXchgOp = new DeleteCompareExchangeValueOperation(key, index, clazz?);
Parameter Type Description
key string The key of the item to be deleted
index number The version number of the item to be deleted
clazz object When the item's value is a class, you can specify its type in this parameter

// Return value of store.operations.send(deleteCmpXchgOp)
// ======================================================
class CompareExchangeResult {
Return Value
successful boolean
  • true if the delete operation was successfully completed.
  • true if key doesn't exist.
  • false if the delete operation has failed,
    e.g. when the index version doesn't match.
    value object
    • The value that was deleted upon a successful delete.
    • null if key doesn't exist.
    • The currently existing value on the server if the delete operation has failed.
      index number
      • The next available version number upon success.
      • The next available version number if key doesn't exist.
      • The currently existing index on the server if the delete operation has failed.