Get Time Series Entries

get usage

  • Open a session.
  • Create an instance of timeSeriesFor and pass it the following:
  • Call timeSeriesFor.get.


Get all entries:

In this example, we retrieve all entries of the "Heartrate" time series.
The ID of the parent document is explicitly specified.

// Get all time series entries
const allEntries = await session
    .timeSeriesFor("users/john", "HeartRates")

Get range of entries:

In this example, we query for a document and get a range of entries from its "Heartrate" time series.

// Query for a document
const user = await session.query({ collection: "users" })
    .whereEquals("name", "John")

const from = new Date();
const to = new Date(baseTime.getTime() + 60_000 * 5);

// Retrieve a range of 6 entries
const tsEntries = await session
    .timeSeriesFor(user, "HeartRates")
    .get(from, to);

Get entries with multiple values:

  • Here, we check if a stock's closing price is rising consecutively over three days.
    This example is based on the sample entries that were entered in this example.

  • Since each time series entry contains multiple StockPrice values,
    we include a sample that uses named time series values to make the code easier to read.

let goingUp = false;

const allEntries = await session
    .timeSeriesFor("users/john", "StockPrices")
const closePriceDay1 = allEntries[0].values[1];
const closePriceDay2 = allEntries[1].values[1];
const closePriceDay3 = allEntries[2].values[1];

// Check if the stock's closing price is rising
if ((closePriceDay2 > closePriceDay1) && (closePriceDay3 > closePriceDay2)) {
        goingUp = true;
let goingUp = false;

const allEntries = await session
    .timeSeriesFor("users/john", "StockPrices")

// Call 'asTypedEntry' to be able to access the entry's values by their names
// Pass the class type (StockPrice)
const typedEntry1 = allEntries[0].asTypedEntry(StockPrice);

// Access the entry value by its StockPrice class property name (close)
const closePriceDay1 = typedEntry1.value.close;

const typedEntry2 = allEntries[1].asTypedEntry(StockPrice);
const closePriceDay2 = typedEntry2.value.close;

const typedEntry3 = allEntries[2].asTypedEntry(StockPrice);
const closePriceDay3 = typedEntry3.value.close;

// Check if the stock's closing price is rising
if ((closePriceDay2 > closePriceDay1) && (closePriceDay3 > closePriceDay2)) {
    goingUp = true;

Include parent and tagged documents

  • When retrieving time series entries using timeSeriesFor.get,
    you can include the series' parent document and/or documents referred to by the entries tags.

  • The included documents will be cached in the session, and instantly retrieved from memory if loaded by the user.

  • Use the following syntax to include the parent or tagged documents:

const allEntries = await session
    .timeSeriesFor("users/john", "HeartRates")
     // Get all entries
    .get(null, null, builder => builder
        .includeDocument() // include the parent document
        .includeTags());   // include documents referenced in the entries tags
// The following 'load' call will not trigger a server request
const user = await session.load("users/john");


// Available overloads:
// ====================

get(); // Get all entries

get(from, to);
get(from, to, start);

get(start, pageSize);
get(from, to, start, pageSize);

get(from, to, includes);
get(from, to, includes, start);
get(from, to, includes, start, pageSize);

Parameter Type Description
from Date Get the range of time series entries starting from this timestamp (inclusive).
Pass null to use the minimum date value.
to Date Get the range of time series entries ending at this timestamp (inclusive).
Pass null to use the maximum date value.
start number Paging first entry.
E.g. 50 means the first page would start at the 50th time series entry.
Default: 0, for the first time-series entry.
pageSize number Paging page-size.
E.g. set pageSize to 10 to retrieve pages of 10 entries.
Default: the equivalent of C# int.MaxValue, for all time series entries.
includes (includeBuilder) => void Builder function with a fluent API
containing the includeTags and includeDocument methods.
Return value
Promise<TimeSeriesEntry[]> A Promise resolving to the list of entries

class TimeSeriesEntry {
    // The entry's time stamp
    timestamp; // Date
    // The entry's tag, can contain a related document ID
    tag; // string
    // List of up to 32 values for this entry
    values; // number[]
    // Is this an entry that belongs to a "rollup" time series
    isRollup; // boolean
    // Nodes info for incremental time series
    nodeValues; // Record<string, number[]>;
    // A method that returns the entry as a typed entry (TypedTimeSeriesEntry)
    asTypedEntry(clazz); // 'clazz' designates the type for the value  

class TypedTimeSeriesEntry {
    timestamp; // Date
    tag;       // string
    values;    // number[]
    isRollup;  // boolean
    // Access the value of a typed entry as an object
    value;     // object of type clazz