Manage file systems

Create or update file system

The PUT method is used to create a new file system. If the file system already exists then it will return 409 Conflict result.


curl \
	http://{serverUrl}/admin/fs/{newFileSystemName}?update={update}  \
	-X PUT \
	--d "{filesystemDocument}"


The JSON formatted FileSystemDocument. The document containing all configuration options for a new file system (e.g. active bundles, name/id, data path)
Query parameter Required Description
newFileSystemName Yes The new file system name
update No Determines whether it should create the new file system or update the existing one (default: false)


Status code Description
201 Created
409 The file system already exists (if update parameter was false)
Return Value Description
None The request does not return any message


Let's create a new file system or update the configuration of already existing one according to the specified document:

curl \
	-X PUT http://localhost:8080/admin/fs/NorthwindFS?update=true  \
	-d "{'Id' : 'Raven/FileSystems/NorthwindFS', 'Settings' : {'Raven/FileSystem/DataDir' : '~/FileSystems/NorthwindFS'}}"
< HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Delete file system

The DELETE method is used to delete a file system from a server, with a possibility to remove its all data from the hard drive.


curl \
	http://{serverUrl}/admin/fs/{fileSystemName}?hard-delete={hard-delete}  \


Query parameter Required Description
fileSystemName Yes The name of a file system to delete
hardDelete No Determines if all data should be removed (data files, indexing files, etc.). Default: false


Status code Description
200 OK
Return Value Description
None The request does not return any message


The below code deletes the file system NorthwindFS together with its data on the hard drive:

curl \
	-X DELETE http://localhost:8080/admin/fs/NorthwindFS?hard-delete=true 
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK