Documents: Conflicts View

If Replication Bundle is enabled then an additional view is available in the studio - Conflicts. In order navigate there expand the Documents option from the main bar.

Figure 1. Studio. Conflicts View. Accessing the view.

This view presents all replication conflicts created by replication process.

Figure 2. Studio. Conflicts View. Conflicts view.

Each of the conflicts contains the following information:

  • conflicted document identifier,
  • conflict detection time,
  • links to conflict items which are different versions of a conflicted document.

After accessing the conflicted document you will see the which parts of its content are conflicted:

Figure 3. Studio. Donflicted document view.

You can resolve the conflict in the studio by editing the conflicted parts and saving it.

Figure 4. Studio. Conflict solved.

Then the conflict will disappear:

Figure 5. Studio. No conflicts.