Resume Index Operation

  • After an index has been paused using StopIndexOperation,
    use StartIndexOperation to resume the index.

  • When resuming the index from the client:
    The index is resumed on the preferred node only, and Not on all the database-group nodes.

  • When resuming the index from the Studio indexes list view:
    The index is resumed on the local node the browser is opened on, even if it is Not the preferred node.

  • In this page:

Resume index example

# Define the resume index operation, pass the index name
resume_index_op = StartIndexOperation("Orders/Totals")

# Execute the operation by passing it to maintenance.send

# At this point:
# Index 'Orders/Totals' is resumed on the preferred node

# Can verify the index status on the preferred node by sending GetIndexingStatusOperation
indexing_status = store.maintenance.send(GetIndexingStatusOperation())

index = [x for x in indexing_status.indexes if == "Orders/Totals"][0]
self.assertEqual(index.status, IndexRunningStatus.RUNNING)


class StartIndexOperation(VoidMaintenanceOperation):
    def __init__(self, index_name: str): ...
Parameters Type Description
index_name str Name of an index to resume