Perform Dynamic Group By Query

Group By a Single Field

orders = list(
    .select_key("", "country")
    .select_sum(GroupByField("lines[].quantity", "ordered_quantity"))
from Orders
group by ShipTo.City
select ShipTo.City as Country, sum(Lines[].Quantity) as TotalQuantity

Group By Multiple Fields

results = list(
    .group_by("employee", "company")
    .select_key("employee", "employee_identifier")
from Orders
group by Employee, Company
select Employee as EmployeeIdentifier, Company, count()

Select Composite GroupBy Key

orders = list(
    .group_by("employee", "company")
    .select_key("key()", "employee_company_pair")
from Orders 
group by Employee, Company
select key() as EmployeeCompanyPair, count()

Group By Array

By Array Values

The following query will group by the lines[] array product property and calculate the count per product.
Behind the scenes, an auto map-reduce index is created to handle the query.

products = list(
    .select_key("key()", "products")
from Orders 
group by Lines[].Product
select Lines[].Product, count()

It is possible to group by the values of an array field and by the value of an additional property.

products = list(
    .group_by("lines[].product", "")
    .select_key("lines[].product", "product")
    .select_key("", "country")
from Orders 
group by Lines[].Product, ShipTo.Country 
select Lines[].Product as Product, ShipTo.Country as Country, count()

Grouping by values of multiple fields of the same array is supported as well.

results = list(
    .group_by(GroupBy.array("lines[].product"), GroupBy.array("lines[].quantity"))
    .select_key("lines[].product", "product")
    .select_key("lines[].quantity", "quantity")
from Orders 
group by Lines[].Product, Lines[].Quantity 
select Lines[].Product as Product, Lines[].Quantity as Quantity, count()

By Array Content

Another option is to group by array content.
The creation of the reduction key will be based on the content of the array field specified by group_by.

results = list(
    .select_key("key()", "products")
from Orders
group by array(Lines[].Product)
select key() as Products, count()

It is possible to group by the content of an array field and by that of a field of an additional property.

results = list(
    .group_by(GroupBy.array("lines[].product"), GroupBy.field(""))
    .select_key("lines[].product", "products")
    .select_key("", "country")
from Orders 
group by array(Lines[].Product), ShipTo.Country 
select Lines[].Product as Products, ShipTo.Country as Country, count()

Grouping by multiple fields of the same array is also supported.

results = list(
    .group_by(GroupBy.array("lines[].product"), GroupBy.array("lines[].quantity"))
    .select_key("lines[].product", "products")
    .select_key("lines[].quantity", "quantities")
from Orders 
group by array(Lines[].Product), array(Lines[].Quantity) 
select Lines[].Product as Products, Lines[].Quantity as Quantities, count()


The results of a dynamic group_by query can be sorted by an aggregation function used in the query.
The results can be ordered by the aggregation operations count and sum.

By Count

results = list(
    .select_key("key()", "employee")
from Orders 
group by Employee 
order by count() as long 
select Employee, count()

By Sum

results = list(
    .select_key("key()", "employee")
    .select_sum(GroupByField("freight", "sum"))
from Orders 
group by Employee 
order by sum(Freight) as double 
select key() as Employee, sum(Freight) as Sum