Patching: JSON Patch Syntax

JSON Patches

  • Similar to other forms of patching, JSON Patches can be used by a client to swiftly change any number of documents without loading and editing the documents locally first.

  • A series of JSON objects, each containing a patch operation and a document ID, are added to an ASP JsonPatchDocument object that is sent to the server for execution.

When are JSON Patches Used?

JSON Patches include no RQL or C# code, and offer a limited set of operations in relation to other patching methods.
Users may still prefer them over other methods when, for example -

  • A client of multiple databases of different brands prefers broadcasting patches with a common syntax to all databases.
  • It is easier for an automated process that builds and applies patches, to send JSON patches.

Running JSON Patches

To run JSON patches -

  • Use the Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch namespace from your code.
    E.g. using Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch;
  • Create a JsonPatchDocument instance and append your patches to it.
  • Pass your Json Patch Document to RavenDB's JsonPatchOperation operation to run the patches.

    • JsonPatchOperation Parameters

      Parameters Type Description
      id string The ID of the document we want to patch
      jsonPatchDocument JsonPatchDocument Patches document

Patch Operations

Add Operation

Use the Add operation to add a document property or an array element.

  • Method Parameters

    Parameters Type Description
    path string Path to the property we want to add
    value object Property value
  • Code Sample - Add a document property

    var patchesDocument = new JsonPatchDocument();
    patchesDocument.Add("/PropertyName", "Contents");
    store.Operations.Send(new JsonPatchOperation(documentId, patchesDocument));

Remove Document Property

Use the Remove operation to remove a document property or an array element.

  • Method Parameters

    Parameters Type Description
    path string Path to the property we want to remove
  • Code Sample - Remove a document property

    patchesDocument = new JsonPatchDocument();
    store.Operations.Send(new JsonPatchOperation(documentId, patchesDocument));

Replace Document Property Contents

Use the Replace operation to replace the contents of a document property or an array element

  • Method Parameters

    Parameters Type Description
    path string Path to the property whose contents we want to replace
    value object New contents
  • Code Sample - Replace a document property

    patchesDocument = new JsonPatchDocument();
    // Replace document property contents with a new value (100)
    patchesDocument.Replace("/PropertyName", "NewContents");
    store.Operations.Send(new JsonPatchOperation(documentId, patchesDocument));

Copy Document Property Contents to Another Property

Use the Copy operation to copy the contents of one document property array element to another

  • Method Parameters

    Parameters Type Description
    from string Path to the property we want to copy
    path string Path to the property we want to copy to
  • Code Sample - Copy document property contents

    patchesDocument = new JsonPatchDocument();
    // Copy document property contents to another document property
    patchesDocument.Copy("/PropertyName1", "/PropertyName2");
    store.Operations.Send(new JsonPatchOperation(documentId, patchesDocument));

Move Document Property Contents to Another Property

Use the Move operation to move the contents of one document property or array element to another

  • Method Parameters

    Parameters Type Description
    from string Path to the property whose contents we want to move
    path string Path to the property we want to move the contents to
  • Code Sample - Move document property contents

    patchesDocument = new JsonPatchDocument();
    // Move document property contents to another document property
    patchesDocument.Move("/PropertyName1", "/PropertyName2");
    store.Operations.Send(new JsonPatchOperation(documentId, patchesDocument));

Test Patching Operation

Use the Test operation to verify patching operations.
If the test fails, all patching operations included in the patches document will be revoked and a RavenException exception will be thrown.

  • Method Parameters

    Parameters Type Description
    path string Path to the property we want to test
    value object Value to compare path with
  • Code Sample - Test Patching

patchesDocument = new JsonPatchDocument();
patchesDocument.Test("/PropertyName", "Value"); // Compare property contents with the value 
                                                // Revoke all patch operations if the test fails 
    store.Operations.Send(new JsonPatchOperation(documentId, patchesDocument));
catch (RavenException e)
    // handle the exception

Additional JSON Patching Options

The samples given above remain simple, showing how to manipulate document properties.
Note that JSON Patches have additional options, like the manipulation of array or list elements:

  • Add an array element
    patchesDocument = new JsonPatchDocument();
    // Use the path parameter to add an array element
    patchesDocument.Add("/ArrayName/12", "Contents");
    store.Operations.Send(new JsonPatchOperation(documentId, patchesDocument));

You can learn more about additional JSON patching options in the JSON Patch RFC, among other resources.