Attachments: Loading Attachments
There are a few methods that allow you to download attachments from a database:
session.advanced().attachments().get can be used to download an attachment.
session.advanced().attachments().getNames can be used to download all attachment names that are attached to a document.
session.advanced().attachments().getRevision can be used to download an attachment of a revision document.
session.advanced().attachments().exists can be used to determine if an attachment exists on a document.
AttachmentName[] getNames(Object entity);
boolean exists(String documentId, String name);
CloseableAttachmentResult get(String documentId, String name);
CloseableAttachmentResult get(Object entity, String name);
CloseableAttachmentResult getRevision(String documentId, String name, String changeVector);
try (IDocumentSession session = store.openSession()) {
Album album = session.load(Album.class, "albums/1");
try (CloseableAttachmentResult file1 = session
.advanced().attachments().get(album, "001.jpg");
CloseableAttachmentResult file2 = session
.advanced().attachments().get("albums/1", "002.jpg")) {
InputStream inputStream = file1
AttachmentDetails attachmentDetails = file1.getDetails();
String name = attachmentDetails.getName();
String contentType = attachmentDetails.getContentType();
String hash = attachmentDetails.getHash();
long size = attachmentDetails.getSize();
String documentId = attachmentDetails.getDocumentId();
String changeVector = attachmentDetails.getChangeVector();
AttachmentName[] attachmentNames = session.advanced().attachments().getNames(album);
for (AttachmentName attachmentName : attachmentNames) {
String name = attachmentName.getName();
String contentType = attachmentName.getContentType();
String hash = attachmentName.getHash();
long size = attachmentName.getSize();
boolean exists = session.advanced().attachments().exists("albums/1", "003.jpg");