Retrieving Counter Values

Get Method - Retrieve a single Counter's value

Get Syntax:

  • Use get to retrieve the current value of a single Counter.

long get(String counterName);
Parameters Type Description
counterName String Counter's name
Return Type Description
long Counter's current value

Get Usage Flow:

Get Code Sample:

// 1. Open a session
try (IDocumentSession session = docStore.openSession()) {
    // 2. pass CountersFor's constructor a document ID
    ISessionDocumentCounters documentCounters = session.countersFor("products/1-C");

    // 3. Use `countersFor.get` to retrieve a Counter's value
    Long daysLeft = documentCounters.get("daysLeftForSale");
    System.out.println("Days Left For Sale: " + daysLeft);

getAll Method - Retrieve ALL Counters of a document

getAll Syntax:

  • Use getAll to retrieve all names and values of a document's Counters.

Map<String, Long> getAll();
Return Type Description
Map<String, Long> Map of Counter names and values

getAll Usage Flow:

getAll Code Sample:

// 1. Open a session
try (IDocumentSession session = docStore.openSession()) {
    // 2. pass countersFor's constructor a document ID
    ISessionDocumentCounters documentCounters = session.countersFor("products/1-C");

    // 3. Use GetAll to retrieve all of the document's Counters' names and values.
    Map<String, Long> counters = documentCounters.getAll();

    // list counters' names and values
    for (Map.Entry<String, Long> kvp : counters.entrySet()) {
        System.out.println("counter name: " + kvp.getKey() + ", counter value: " + kvp.getValue());