Attachments: Loading Attachments
There are a few methods that allow you to download attachments from a database:
session.Advanced.Attachments.Get can be used to download an attachment or multiple attachments.
session.Advanced.Attachments.GetNames can be used to download all attachment names that are attached to a document.
session.Advanced.Attachments.GetRevision can be used to download an attachment of a revision document.
session.Advanced.Attachments.Exists can be used to determine if an attachment exists on a document.
AttachmentResult Get(string documentId, string name);
AttachmentResult Get(object entity, string name);
IEnumerator<AttachmentEnumeratorResult> Get(IEnumerable<AttachmentRequest> attachments);
AttachmentName[] GetNames(object entity);
AttachmentResult GetRevision(string documentId, string name, string changeVector);
bool Exists(string documentId, string name);
Task<AttachmentResult> GetAsync(string documentId, string name, CancellationToken token = default);
Task<AttachmentResult> GetAsync(object entity, string name, CancellationToken token = default);
Task<IEnumerator<AttachmentEnumeratorResult>> GetAsync(IEnumerable<AttachmentRequest> attachments, CancellationToken token = default);
Task<AttachmentResult> GetRevisionAsync(string documentId, string name, string changeVector, CancellationToken token = default);
Task<bool> ExistsAsync(string documentId, string name, CancellationToken token = default);
Example I
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
Album album = session.Load<Album>("albums/1");
using (AttachmentResult file1 = session.Advanced.Attachments.Get(album, "001.jpg"))
using (AttachmentResult file2 = session.Advanced.Attachments.Get("albums/1", "002.jpg"))
Stream stream = file1.Stream;
AttachmentDetails attachmentDetails = file1.Details;
string name = attachmentDetails.Name;
string contentType = attachmentDetails.ContentType;
string hash = attachmentDetails.Hash;
long size = attachmentDetails.Size;
string documentId = attachmentDetails.DocumentId;
string changeVector = attachmentDetails.ChangeVector;
AttachmentName[] attachmentNames = session.Advanced.Attachments.GetNames(album);
foreach (AttachmentName attachmentName in attachmentNames)
string name = attachmentName.Name;
string contentType = attachmentName.ContentType;
string hash = attachmentName.Hash;
long size = attachmentName.Size;
bool exists = session.Advanced.Attachments.Exists("albums/1", "003.jpg");
using (var asyncSession = store.OpenAsyncSession())
Album album = await asyncSession.LoadAsync<Album>("albums/1");
using (AttachmentResult file1 = await asyncSession.Advanced.Attachments.GetAsync(album, "001.jpg"))
using (AttachmentResult file2 = await asyncSession.Advanced.Attachments.GetAsync("albums/1", "002.jpg"))
Stream stream = file1.Stream;
AttachmentDetails attachmentDetails = file1.Details;
string name = attachmentDetails.Name;
string contentType = attachmentDetails.ContentType;
string hash = attachmentDetails.Hash;
long size = attachmentDetails.Size;
string documentId = attachmentDetails.DocumentId;
string changeVector = attachmentDetails.ChangeVector;
AttachmentName[] attachmentNames = asyncSession.Advanced.Attachments.GetNames(album);
foreach (AttachmentName attachmentName in attachmentNames)
string name = attachmentName.Name;
string contentType = attachmentName.ContentType;
string hash = attachmentName.Hash;
long size = attachmentName.Size;
bool exists = await asyncSession.Advanced.Attachments.ExistsAsync("albums/1", "003.jpg");
Example II
Here, we load multiple string attachments we previously created for a document. We then
go through them, and decode each attachment to its original text.
// Load a user profile
var user = session.Load<User>(userId);
// Get the names of files attached to this document
IEnumerable<AttachmentRequest> attachmentNames = session.Advanced.Attachments.GetNames(user).Select(x => new AttachmentRequest(userId, x.Name));
// Get the attached files
IEnumerator<AttachmentEnumeratorResult> attachmentsEnumerator = session.Advanced.Attachments.Get(attachmentNames);
// Go through the document's attachments
while (attachmentsEnumerator.MoveNext())
AttachmentEnumeratorResult res = attachmentsEnumerator.Current;
AttachmentDetails attachmentDetails = res.Details; // attachment details
Stream attachmentStream = res.Stream; // attachment contents
// In this case it is a string attachment, that can be decoded back to text
var ms = new MemoryStream();
string decodedStream = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());
// Load a user profile
var user = await session.LoadAsync<User>(userId);
// Get the names of files attached to this document
IEnumerable<AttachmentRequest> attachmentNames = session.Advanced.Attachments.GetNames(user).Select(x => new AttachmentRequest(userId, x.Name));
// Get the attached files
IEnumerator<AttachmentEnumeratorResult> attachmentsEnumerator = await session.Advanced.Attachments.GetAsync(attachmentNames);
// Go through the document's attachments
while (attachmentsEnumerator.MoveNext())
AttachmentEnumeratorResult res = attachmentsEnumerator.Current;
AttachmentDetails attachmentDetails = res.Details; // attachment details
Stream attachmentStream = res.Stream; // attachment contents
// In this case it is a string attachment, that can be decoded back to text
var ms = new MemoryStream();
string decodedStream = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());