Get Documents Command
Use the low-level
to retrieve documents from the database. -
To retrieve documents using a higher-level method, see loading entities or query for documents.
In this page:
Get single document
- The following examples demonstrate how to retrieve a document using either the Store's request executor
or the Session's request executor. - The examples in the rest of the article use the Store's request executor, but you can apply the Session's implementation shown here to ALL cases.
Get document command - using the Store's request executor:
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Define the 'GetDocumentsCommand'
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
"orders/1-A", null, metadataOnly: false);
// Call 'Execute' on the Store's Request Executor to send the command to the server
store.GetRequestExecutor().Execute(command, context);
// Access the results
var blittable = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)command.Result.Results[0];
// Deserialize the blittable JSON into a strongly-typed 'Order' object
var order = (Order)store.Conventions.Serialization.DefaultConverter
.FromBlittable(typeof(Order), blittable);
var orderedAt = order.OrderedAt;
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Define the 'GetDocumentsCommand'
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
"orders/1-A", null, metadataOnly: false);
// Call 'ExecuteAsync' on the Store's Request Executor to send the command to the server
await store.GetRequestExecutor().ExecuteAsync(command, context);
// Access the results
var blittable = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)command.Result.Results[0];
// Deserialize the blittable JSON into a strongly-typed 'Order' object
var order = (Order)store.Conventions.Serialization.DefaultConverter
.FromBlittable(typeof(Order), blittable);
var orderedAt = order.OrderedAt;
Get document command - using the Session's request executor:
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
// Define the 'GetDocumentsCommand'
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
"orders/1-A", null, metadataOnly: false);
// Call 'Execute' on the Session's Request Executor to send the command to the server
session.Advanced.RequestExecutor.Execute(command, session.Advanced.Context);
// Access the results
var blittable = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)command.Result.Results[0];
// Deserialize the blittable JSON into a strongly-typed 'Order' object
// Setting the last param to 'true' will cause the session to track the 'Order' entity
var order = session.Advanced.JsonConverter.FromBlittable<Order>(ref blittable,
"orders/1-A", trackEntity: true);
var orderedAt = order.OrderedAt;
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (var asyncSession = store.OpenAsyncSession())
// Define the 'GetDocumentsCommand'
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
"orders/1-A", null, metadataOnly: false);
// Call 'ExecuteAsync' on the Session's Request Executor to send the command to the server
await asyncSession.Advanced.RequestExecutor.ExecuteAsync(
command, asyncSession.Advanced.Context);
// Access the results
var blittable = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)command.Result.Results[0];
// Deserialize the blittable JSON into a strongly-typed 'Order' object
// Setting the last param to 'true' will cause the session to track the 'Order' entity
var order = asyncSession.Advanced.JsonConverter.FromBlittable<Order>(ref blittable,
"orders/1-A", trackEntity: true);
var orderedAt = order.OrderedAt;
Get multiple documents
Get multiple documents:
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Pass a list of document IDs to the get command
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
new[] { "orders/1-A", "employees/2-A", "products/1-A" }, null, false);
store.GetRequestExecutor().Execute(command, context);
// Access results
var orderBlittable = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)command.Result.Results[0];
var orderDocument = (Order)store.Conventions.Serialization.DefaultConverter
.FromBlittable(typeof(Order), orderBlittable);
var employeeBlittable = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)command.Result.Results[1];
var employeeDocument = (Employee)store.Conventions.Serialization.DefaultConverter
.FromBlittable(typeof(Employee), orderBlittable);
var productBlittable = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)command.Result.Results[2];
var productDocument = (Product)store.Conventions.Serialization.DefaultConverter
.FromBlittable(typeof(Product), productBlittable);
Get multiple documents - missing documents:
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Assuming that employees/9999-A doesn't exist
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
new[] { "orders/1-A", "employees/9999-A", "products/3-A" }, null, false);
store.GetRequestExecutor().Execute(command, context);
// Results will contain 'null' for any missing document
var results = command.Result.Results; // orders/1-A, null, products/3-A
Get metadata only
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Pass 'true' in the 'metadataOnly' param to retrieve only the document METADATA
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
"orders/1-A", null, metadataOnly: true);
store.GetRequestExecutor().Execute(command, context);
// Access results
var blittable = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)command.Result.Results[0];
var documentMetadata = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)blittable["@metadata"];
// Print out all metadata properties
foreach (var propertyName in documentMetadata.GetPropertyNames())
documentMetadata.TryGet<object>(propertyName, out var propertyValue);
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", propertyName, propertyValue);
Get paged documents
- You can retrieve documents in pages by specifying how many documents to skip and how many to fetch.
- Using this overload, no specific collection is specified, the documents will be fetched from ALL collections.
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Specify the number of documents to skip (start)
// and the number of documents to get (pageSize)
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(start: 0, pageSize: 128);
store.GetRequestExecutor().Execute(command, context);
// The documents are sorted by the last modified date,
// with the most recent modifications appearing first.
var firstDocs = command.Result.Results;
Get documents - by ID prefix
Retrieve documents that match a specified ID prefix:
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Return up to 50 documents with ID that starts with 'products/'
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
startWith: "products/",
startAfter: null,
matches: null,
exclude: null,
start: 0,
pageSize: 50,
metadataOnly: false);
store.GetRequestExecutor().Execute(command, context);
// Access a Product document
var blittable = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)command.Result.Results[0];
var product = (Product)store.Conventions.Serialization.DefaultConverter
.FromBlittable(typeof(Product), blittable);
Retrieve documents that match a specified ID prefix - with "matches" pattern:
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Return up to 50 documents with IDs that start with 'orders/'
// and the rest of the ID either begins with '23',
// or contains any character at the 1st position and ends with '10-A'
// e.g. orders/234-A, orders/810-A
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
startWith: "orders/",
startAfter: null,
matches: "23*|?10-A",
exclude: null,
start: 0,
pageSize: 50,
metadataOnly: false);
store.GetRequestExecutor().Execute(command, context);
// Access an Order document
var blittable = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)command.Result.Results[0];
var order = (Order)store.Conventions.Serialization.DefaultConverter
.FromBlittable(typeof(Order), blittable);
Assert.True(order.Id.StartsWith("orders/23") ||
Regex.IsMatch(order.Id, @"^orders/.{1}10-A$"));
Retrieve documents that match a specified ID prefix - with "exclude" pattern:
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Return up to 50 documents with IDs that start with 'orders/'
// and the rest of the ID excludes documents ending with '10-A',
// e.g. will return orders/820-A, but not orders/810-A
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
startWith: "orders/",
startAfter: null,
matches: null,
exclude: "*10-A",
start: 0,
pageSize: 50,
metadataOnly: false);
store.GetRequestExecutor().Execute(command, context);
// Access an Order document
var blittable = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)command.Result.Results[0];
var order = (Order)store.Conventions.Serialization.DefaultConverter
.FromBlittable(typeof(Order), blittable);
Assert.True(order.Id.StartsWith("orders/") && !order.Id.EndsWith("10-A"));
Get documents - with includes
Include related documents:
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Fetch document products/77-A and include its related Supplier document
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
includes: new[] { "Supplier" },
metadataOnly: false);
store.GetRequestExecutor().Execute(command, context);
var productBlittable = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)command.Result.Results[0];
if (productBlittable.TryGet<string>("Supplier", out var supplierId))
// Access the related document that was included
var supplierBlittable =
var supplier = (Supplier)store.Conventions.Serialization.DefaultConverter
.FromBlittable(typeof(Supplier), supplierBlittable);
Include counters:
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Fetch document products/77-A and include the specified counters
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
ids:new[] {"products/77-A"},
includes: null,
// Pass the names of the counters to include. In this example,
// the counter names in RavenDB's sample data are stars...
counterIncludes: new[] { "⭐", "⭐⭐" },
timeSeriesIncludes: null,
compareExchangeValueIncludes: null,
metadataOnly: false);
store.GetRequestExecutor().Execute(command, context);
// Access the included counters results
var counters = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)command.Result.CounterIncludes;
var countersBlittableArray =
var counter = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)countersBlittableArray[0];
var counterName = counter["CounterName"];
var counterValue = counter["TotalValue"];
Include time series:
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Fetch document employees/1-A and include the specified time series
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
ids:new[] {"employees/1-A"},
includes: null,
counterIncludes: null,
// Specify the time series name and the time range
timeSeriesIncludes: new[] { new TimeSeriesRange
Name = "HeartRates",
From = DateTime.MinValue,
To = DateTime.MaxValue
} },
metadataOnly: false);
store.GetRequestExecutor().Execute(command, context);
// Access the included time series results
var timeSeriesBlittable =
var timeSeriesBlittableArray =
var ts = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)timeSeriesBlittableArray[0];
var entries = (BlittableJsonReaderArray)ts["Entries"];
var tsEntry = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)entries[0];
var entryTimeStamp = tsEntry["Timestamp"];
var entryValues = tsEntry["Values"];
Include revisions:
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Fetch document orders/826-A and include the specified revisions
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
ids:new[] {"orders/826-A"},
includes: null,
counterIncludes: null,
// Specify list of document fields (part of document orders/826-A),
// where each field is expected to contain the change-vector
// of the revision you wish to include.
revisionsIncludesByChangeVector: new[]
revisionIncludeByDateTimeBefore: null,
timeSeriesIncludes: null,
compareExchangeValueIncludes: null,
metadataOnly: false);
store.GetRequestExecutor().Execute(command, context);
// Access the included revisions
var revisions = (BlittableJsonReaderArray)command.Result.RevisionIncludes;
var revisionObj = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)revisions[0];
var revision = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)revisionObj["Revision"];
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Fetch document orders/826-A and include the specified revisions
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
ids:new[] {"orders/826-A"},
includes: null,
counterIncludes: null,
// Another option is to specify a single document field (part of document orders/826-A).
// This field is expected to contain a list of all the change-vectors
// for the revisions you wish to include.
revisionsIncludesByChangeVector: new[]
revisionIncludeByDateTimeBefore: null,
timeSeriesIncludes: null,
compareExchangeValueIncludes: null,
metadataOnly: false);
store.GetRequestExecutor().Execute(command, context);
// Access the included revisions
var revisions = (BlittableJsonReaderArray)command.Result.RevisionIncludes;
var revisionObj = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)revisions[0];
var revision = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)revisionObj["Revision"];
Include compare-exchange values:
using (var store = new DocumentStore())
using (store.GetRequestExecutor().ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out var context))
// Fetch document orders/826-A and include the specified compare-exchange
var command = new GetDocumentsCommand(store.Conventions,
ids:new[] {"orders/826-A"},
includes: null,
counterIncludes: null,
revisionsIncludesByChangeVector: null,
revisionIncludeByDateTimeBefore: null,
timeSeriesIncludes: null,
// Similar to the previous "include revisions" examples,
// Specify a list of document fields (part of document orders/826-A),
// where each field is expected to contain a compare-exchange KEY
// for the compare-exchange item you wish to include
// OR:
// Specify a single document field that contains a list of all keys to include.
compareExchangeValueIncludes: [
metadataOnly: false);
store.GetRequestExecutor().Execute(command, context);
// Access the included compare-exchange items
var cmpXchgItems =
var cmpXchgItemKey = cmpXchgItems.GetPropertyNames()[0]; // The cmpXchg KEY NAME
var cmpXchgItemObj = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)cmpXchgItems[cmpXchgItemKey];
var cmpXchgItemValueObj = (BlittableJsonReaderObject)cmpXchgItemObj["Value"];
var cmpXchgItemValue = cmpXchgItemValueObj["Object"]; // The cmpXchg KEY VALUE
// Available overloads:
// ====================
public GetDocumentsCommand(int start, int pageSize)
public GetDocumentsCommand(DocumentConventions conventions,
string id,
string[] includes,
bool metadataOnly);
public GetDocumentsCommand(DocumentConventions conventions,
string[] ids,
string[] includes,
bool metadataOnly);
public GetDocumentsCommand(DocumentConventions conventions,
string[] ids,
string[] includes,
string[] counterIncludes,
IEnumerable<AbstractTimeSeriesRange> timeSeriesIncludes,
string[] compareExchangeValueIncludes,
bool metadataOnly);
public GetDocumentsCommand(DocumentConventions conventions,
string[] ids,
string[] includes,
string[] counterIncludes,
IEnumerable<string> revisionsIncludesByChangeVector,
DateTime? revisionIncludeByDateTimeBefore,
IEnumerable<AbstractTimeSeriesRange> timeSeriesIncludes,
string[] compareExchangeValueIncludes,
bool metadataOnly);
public GetDocumentsCommand(DocumentConventions conventions,
string[] ids,
string[] includes,
bool includeAllCounters,
IEnumerable<AbstractTimeSeriesRange> timeSeriesIncludes,
string[] compareExchangeValueIncludes,
bool metadataOnly);
public GetDocumentsCommand(DocumentConventions conventions,
string startWith,
string startAfter,
string matches, string exclude,
int start, int pageSize,
bool metadataOnly);
public GetDocumentsCommand(int start, int pageSize);
Parameter | Type | Description |
conventions | DocumentConventions |
The store's conventions. |
id | string |
ID of the document to get. |
ids | string[] |
IDs of the documents to get. |
includes | string[] |
Related documents to fetch along with the document. |
counterIncludes | string[] |
Counters to fetch along with the document. |
includeAllCounters | bool |
Whether to include all counters. |
timeSeriesIncludes | AbstractTimeSeriesRange[] |
Time series to fetch along with the document. |
compareExchangeValueIncludes | string[] |
List of document fields containing cmpXchg keys of the compare-exchange items you wish to include. |
revisionsIncludesByChangeVector | string[] |
List of document fields containing change-vectors of the revisions you wish to include. |
revisionIncludeByDateTimeBefore | DateTime |
When this date is provided, retrieve the most recent revision that was created before this date value. |
metadataOnly | bool |
Whether to fetch the whole document or just the metadata. |
start | int |
Number of documents that should be skipped. |
pageSize | int |
Maximum number of documents that will be retrieved. |
startsWith | string |
Fetch only documents with this prefix. |
startAfter | string |
Skip 'document fetching' until the given ID is found, and return documents after that ID (default: null). |
matches | string |
Pipe ('|') separated values for which document IDs (after startsWith ) should be matched.( ? any single character, * any characters). |
exclude | string |
Pipe ('|') separated values for which document IDs (after startsWith ) should Not be matched.( ? any single character, * any characters). |
// The `GetDocumentCommand` result:
// ================================
public class PutResult
public BlittableJsonReaderObject Includes { get; set; }
public BlittableJsonReaderArray Results { get; set; }
public BlittableJsonReaderObject CounterIncludes { get; set; }
public BlittableJsonReaderArray RevisionIncludes { get; set; }
public BlittableJsonReaderObject TimeSeriesIncludes { get; set; }
public BlittableJsonReaderObject CompareExchangeValueIncludes { get; set; }