Getting Started: Writing your Unit Test using TestDriver
In this section we will explain how to use RavenDB.TestDriver in order to write unit tests for working with RavenDB.
The first thing we need to implement is a class derived from RavenServerLocator
public abstract class RavenServerLocator
/// <summary>
/// Allows to fetch the server path
/// </summary>
public abstract string ServerPath { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Allows to fetch the command used to invoke the server.
/// </summary>
public virtual string Command => ServerPath;
/// <summary>
/// Allows to fetch the command arguments.
/// </summary>
public virtual string CommandArguments => string.Empty;
public class MyRavenDBLocator : RavenServerLocator
private string _serverPath;
private string _command = "dotnet";
private readonly string RavenServerName = "Raven.Server";
private string _arguments;
public override string ServerPath
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_serverPath) == false)
return _serverPath;
var path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Raven_Server_Test_Path");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) == false)
if (InitializeFromPath(path))
return _serverPath;
//If we got here we didn't have ENV:RavenServerTestPath setup for us maybe this is a CI environment
path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Raven_Server_CI_Path");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) == false)
if (InitializeFromPath(path))
return _serverPath;
//We couldn't find Raven.Server in either environment variables let's look for it in the current directory
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Environment.CurrentDirectory, $"{RavenServerName}.exe; {RavenServerName}.dll"))
if (InitializeFromPath(file))
return _serverPath;
//Lets try some brut force
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetDirectoryRoot(Environment.CurrentDirectory), $"{RavenServerName}.exe; {RavenServerName}.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
if (InitializeFromPath(file))
//We don't want to override the variable if defined
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Raven_Server_Test_Path")))
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Raven_Server_Test_Path", file);
//We might not have permissions to set the enviroment variable
return _serverPath;
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Could not find {RavenServerName} anywhere on the device.");
private bool InitializeFromPath(string path)
if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) != RavenServerName)
return false;
var ext = Path.GetExtension(path);
if (ext == ".dll")
_serverPath = path;
_arguments = _serverPath;
return true;
if (ext == ".exe")
_serverPath = path;
_command = _serverPath;
_arguments = string.Empty;
return true;
return false;
public override string Command => _command;
public override string CommandArguments => _arguments;
Now that we learned how to implement a server locator we can define a class that derives from Raven's TestDriver. Let's start with reviewing the TestDriver's methods and properties and later we will get into implementation (complete code sample of a RavenTestDriver can be found at the bottom of the page).
Properties and Methods
Signature | Description |
protected virtual string DatabaseDumpFilePath => null; | Allows you to override the path to the database dump file that will be loaded when calling ImportDatabase. |
protected virtual Stream DatabaseDumpFileStream => null; | Allows you to override the stream containing the database dump that will be loaded when calling ImportDatabase. |
public static bool Debug { get; set; } | Indicates if the test driver is running in debug mode or not. |
public static Process GlobalServerProcess => globalServerProcess; | Gives you access to the server's process. |
public IDocumentStore GetDocumentStore([CallerMemberName] string database = null, TimeSpan? waitForIndexingTimeout = null) | Gets you an IDocumentStore instance for the requested database. |
protected virtual void PreInitialize(IDocumentStore documentStore) | Allows you to pre-initialize the IDocumentStore. |
protected virtual void SetupDatabase(IDocumentStore documentStore) | Allows you to initialize the database. |
protected event EventHandler DriverDisposed; | An event that is raised when the test driver is been disposed of. |
public void WaitForIndexing(IDocumentStore store, string database = null, TimeSpan? timeout = null) | Allows you to wait for indexes to become non-stale. |
public void WaitForUserToContinueTheTest(IDocumentStore store) | Allows you to break the test and launch the Studio to examine the state of the database. |
protected virtual void OpenBrowser(string url) | Allows you to open the browser. |
public virtual void Dispose() | Allows you to dispose of the server. |
Pre-Initializing the IDocumentStore allows you to mutate the conventions used by the document store.
//This allows us to modify the conventions of the store we get from 'GetDocumentStore'
protected override void PreInitialize(IDocumentStore documentStore)
documentStore.Conventions.MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession = 50;
index and TestDocument
class that can be seen in the full example
public void MyFirstTest()
using (var store = GetDocumentStore())
store.ExecuteIndex(new TestDocumentByName());
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
session.Store(new TestDocument { Name = "Hello world!" });
session.Store(new TestDocument { Name = "Goodbye..." });
WaitForIndexing(store); //If we want to query documents sometime we need to wait for the indexes to catch up
WaitForUserToContinueTheTest(store);//Sometimes we want to debug the test itself, this redirect us to the studio
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var query = session.Query<TestDocument, TestDocumentByName>().Where(x => x.Name == "hello").ToList();
In the test we get an IDocumentStore to our test database, deploy an index and insert two documents into it. We then wait for the indexing to complete and launch the Studio so we can verify the documents and index are deployed (we can remove this line once the test is working). At the end of the test we query for TestDocument where their name contains the world 'hello' and assert that we have only one such document.
Complete Example
using Raven.Client.Documents;
using Raven.TestDriver;
using Xunit;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Raven.Client.Documents.Indexes;
namespace RavenDBTestDriverFullExample
public class RavenDBTestDriver : RavenTestDriver<MyRavenDBLocator>
//This allows us to modify the conventions of the store we get from 'GetDocumentStore'
protected override void PreInitialize(IDocumentStore documentStore)
documentStore.Conventions.MaxNumberOfRequestsPerSession = 50;
public void MyFirstTest()
using (var store = GetDocumentStore())
store.ExecuteIndex(new TestDocumentByName());
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
session.Store(new TestDocument { Name = "Hello world!" });
session.Store(new TestDocument { Name = "Goodbye..." });
WaitForIndexing(store); //If we want to query documents sometime we need to wait for the indexes to catch up
WaitForUserToContinueTheTest(store);//Sometimes we want to debug the test itself, this redirect us to the studio
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
var query = session.Query<TestDocument, TestDocumentByName>().Where(x => x.Name == "hello").ToList();
public class MyRavenDBLocator : RavenServerLocator
private string _serverPath;
private string _command = "dotnet";
private readonly string RavenServerName = "Raven.Server";
private string _arguments;
public override string ServerPath
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_serverPath) == false)
return _serverPath;
var path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RavenServerTestPath");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) == false)
if (InitializeFromPath(path))
return _serverPath;
//If we got here we didn't have ENV:RavenServerTestPath setup for us maybe this is a CI environment
path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RavenServerCIPath");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) == false)
if (InitializeFromPath(path))
return _serverPath;
//We couldn't find Raven.Server in either environment variables let's look for it in the current directory
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Environment.CurrentDirectory, $"{RavenServerName}.exe; {RavenServerName}.dll"))
if (InitializeFromPath(file))
return _serverPath;
//Lets try some brut force
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetDirectoryRoot(Environment.CurrentDirectory), $"{RavenServerName}.exe; {RavenServerName}.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
if (InitializeFromPath(file))
//We don't want to override the variable if defined
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RavenServerTestPath")))
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("RavenServerTestPath", file);
//We might not have permissions to set the enviroment variable
return _serverPath;
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Could not find {RavenServerName} anywhere on the device.");
private bool InitializeFromPath(string path)
if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) != RavenServerName)
return false;
var ext = Path.GetExtension(path);
if (ext == ".dll")
_serverPath = path;
_arguments = _serverPath;
return true;
if (ext == ".exe")
_serverPath = path;
_command = _serverPath;
_arguments = string.Empty;
return true;
return false;
public override string Command => _command;
public override string CommandArguments => _arguments;
public class TestDocumentByName : AbstractIndexCreationTask<TestDocument>
public TestDocumentByName()
Map = docs => from doc in docs select new { doc.Name };
Indexes.Add(x => x.Name, FieldIndexing.Search);
public class TestDocument
public string Name { get; set; }
Continuous Integration Servers
Best practice is to use a CI/CD server to help automate the testing and deployment of your new code.
Popular CI/CD products are AppVeyor or Visual Studio Team Services (aka. VSTS). Some customization is required for any
CI/CD product you use, because you will need to manually download the RavenDb Server before any tests are kicked off. Remember, the Test Driver
requires a path location
for a Raven.Server.exe
or Raven.Server.dll
to be located, where the path on your CI/CD server
will most likely be different to the path on your localhost-development machine.
AppVeyor settings
- Create some environment variables and powershell script to download RavenDB Server and unzip it.
- Make sure your custom test-driver knows to check/look for those environment variables you've just set.
- Queue/build away!
Step 1 - Create environment variables and powershell script.
Here's some simple, sample appveyor.yml which set the environmental variables, downloads, unzips, restores, builds and then tests.
version: '{build}.0.0-dev'
configuration: Release
os: Visual Studio 2017
do_not_increment_build_number: true
RavenServerDirectory: '%temp%\raven-server'
RavenServerDownloadDestinationFile: '%temp%\'
RavenServerTestPath: '%RavenServerDirectory%\server\Raven.Server.dll'
- ps: |
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
Write-Output "Lets see what all our Environmental variables are now defined as:"
Get-ChildItem Env:
Write-Output "Downloading RavenDb 4.0.7 ..."
(new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile('', $env:RavenServerDownloadDestinationFile)
Write-Output "Unzipping RavenDb from $env:RavenServerDownloadDestinationFile to $env:RavenServerDirectory"
expand-archive -Path $env:RavenServerDownloadDestinationFile -DestinationPath $env:RavenServerDirectory
# Display .NET Core version
- cmd: dotnet --info
# Display minimal restore text
- cmd: dotnet restore --verbosity quiet
- dotnet build -c %CONFIGURATION% -v minimal /p:Version=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION% --no-restore
- dotnet test -c %CONFIGURATION% -v minimal --no-restore --no-build
- packages -> **\packages.config
Step 2 - Check/update your custom test-driver code
Here's some sample code which the test-driver checks for environmental variables.
var path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RavenServerTestPath");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path))
if (InitializeFromPath(path))
return _serverPath;
Step 3 - Queue/Build away!
Now queue up a new build to push up a commit and this should kick off where RavenDb-Server downloads, unzips and the test-driver references that downloaded server, in your tests.
VSTS Settings
- Create some environment variables for the entire build definition.
- Make sure your custom test-driver knows to check/look for those environment variables you've just set.
- Add a custom powershell task to manually download and unzip the RavenDB distribution package.
- Queue/build away!
Step 1 - Global Environment Variables for the build definition.
Step 2 - Check/update your custom test-driver code
Here's some sample code which the test-driver checks for environmental variables.
var path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RavenServerTestPath");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path))
if (InitializeFromPath(path))
return _serverPath;
Step 3 - Add a custom powershell task
here's the code to quickly copy/paste the script into your VSTS task settings:
Write-Output "Lets see what all our Environmental variables are now defined as:"
Get-ChildItem Env:
Write-Output "Downloading RavenDb 4.0.7 ..."
(new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile('', $env:RavenServerDownloadDestinationFile)
Write-Output "Unzipping RavenDb from" + $env:RavenServerDownloadDestinationFile + " to " + $env:RavenServerDirectory
expand-archive -Path $env:RavenServerDownloadDestinationFile -DestinationPath $env:RavenServerDirectory
Step 4 - Queue/Build away!
Now queue up a new build to push up a commit and this should kick off where RavenDb-Server downloads, unzips and the test-driver references that downloaded server, in your tests.