Identities View

What is an identity

  • An identity is a document ID generated by the server upon document creation time
    (when adding a pipe | as a suffix to the requested document ID).

  • The identity ID is unique in the database, across all nodes within the Database Group.

  • The identity document ID is composed of:

    • The collection name
    • And a number that is continuously incremented per document creation ("the latest value")
      e.g. employees/5
  • Learn more about identities in:

The latest values

Figure 1. Latest identities values

Latest values

  1. Navigate to Documents > Identities

  2. Document ID Prefix

    • This string is the collection name for which an identity value was set:
      either via this view, or by creating a document with an identity ID as described here.

    • The string that shows is the collection name + a pipe suffix.

  3. Latest Value

    • This is the latest identity value currently set on the server for the collection.

    • In this example - the latest value for the employees collection is 3.
      This means the next document that will be created with an identity in the employees collection
      will get the ID employees/4.

  4. Click to edit the latest value.

  5. Click to add a new identity value for another collection.

Edit identity value

Figure 2. Edit identity value

Edit identity value

  1. Prefix
    The collection for which the value is edited.

  2. Value

    • Enter a number that will be set as the latest identity value for this collection.

    • In this example we set the value to 25.
      This means the next document that will be created with an identity in the employees collection
      will get the ID employees/26.

  3. Click 'Update' to set the new value.

Add new identity

Figure 3. Add new identity

Add new identity

  1. Prefix

    • Enter the collection name for which to set an identity value.
      (Using the pipe suffix here is optional, e.g. can enter "users" or "users|").

    • Note: you can specify a collection name that has not been created yet.

  2. Value

    • Enter a number that will be set as the latest identity value for this collection.

    • In this example we set the value to 99.
      This means the next document that will be created with an identity in the users collection
      will get the ID users/100.

  3. Click 'Create' to create the new identity.