Identities View
This view lists the latest identities values that are set on the server for all collections where
an identity was created. -
You can edit existing values or set a new identity value for a collection.
Identities values can also be managed from the Client API, see seed identity operation.
In this page:
What is an identity
An identity is a document ID generated by the server upon document creation time
(when adding a pipe|
as a suffix to the requested document ID). -
The identity ID is unique in the database, across all nodes within the Database Group.
The identity document ID is composed of:
- The collection name
- And a number that is continuously incremented per document creation ("the latest value")
Learn more about identities in:
The latest values

Latest values
Navigate to Documents > Identities
Document ID Prefix
This string is the collection name for which an identity value was set:
either via this view, or by creating a document with an identity ID as described here. -
The string that shows is the collection name + a pipe suffix.
Latest Value
This is the latest identity value currently set on the server for the collection.
In this example - the latest value for the employees collection is
This means the next document that will be created with an identity in the employees collection
will get the IDemployees/4
Click to edit the latest value.
Click to add a new identity value for another collection.
Edit identity value

Edit identity value
The collection for which the value is edited. -
Enter a number that will be set as the latest identity value for this collection.
In this example we set the value to
This means the next document that will be created with an identity in the employees collection
will get the IDemployees/26
Click 'Update' to set the new value.
Add new identity

Add new identity
Enter the collection name for which to set an identity value.
(Using the pipe suffix here is optional, e.g. can enter "users" or "users|"). -
Note: you can specify a collection name that has not been created yet.
Enter a number that will be set as the latest identity value for this collection.
In this example we set the value to
This means the next document that will be created with an identity in the users collection
will get the IDusers/100
Click 'Create' to create the new identity.