Starts-With Query


List<Product> products = session
     // Call 'StartsWith' on the field
     // Pass the prefix to search by
    .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Ch"))

// Results will contain only Product documents having a 'Name' field
// that starts with any case variation of 'ch'
List<Product> products = await asyncSession
     // Call 'StartsWith' on the field
     // Pass the prefix to search by
    .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Ch"))

// Results will contain only Product documents having a 'Name' field
// that starts with any case variation of 'ch'
List<Product> products = session.Advanced
     // Call 'WhereStartsWith'
     // Pass the document field and the prefix to search by
    .WhereStartsWith(x => x.Name, "Ch")

// Results will contain only Product documents having a 'Name' field
// that starts with any case variation of 'ch'
from "Products"
where startsWith(Name, "Ch")

StartsWith (case-sensitive)

List<Product> products = session
     // Pass 'exact: true' to search for an EXACT prefix match
    .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Ch"), exact: true)

// Results will contain only Product documents having a 'Name' field
// that starts with 'Ch'
List<Product> products = await asyncSession
     // Pass 'exact: true' to search for an EXACT prefix match
    .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Ch"), exact: true)

// Results will contain only Product documents having a 'Name' field
// that starts with 'Ch'
List<Product> products = session.Advanced
     // Call 'WhereStartsWith'
     // Pass 'exact: true' to search for an EXACT prefix match
    .WhereStartsWith(x => x.Name, "Ch", exact: true)

// Results will contain only Product documents having a 'Name' field
// that starts with 'Ch'
from "Products"
where exact(startsWith(Name, "Ch"))

Negate StartsWith

List<Product> products = session
     // Call 'StartsWith' on the field
     // Pass the prefix to search by
    .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Ch") == false)

// Results will contain only Product documents having a 'Name' field
// that does NOT start with 'ch' or any other case variations of it
List<Product> products = await asyncSession
     // Call 'StartsWith' on the field
     // Pass the prefix to search by
    .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Ch") == false)

// Results will contain only Product documents having a 'Name' field
// that does NOT start with 'ch' or any other case variations of it
List<Product> products = session.Advanced
     // Call 'Not' to negate the next predicate
     // Call 'WhereStartsWith'
     // Pass the document field and the prefix to search by
    .WhereStartsWith(x => x.Name, "Ch")

// Results will contain only Product documents having a 'Name' field
// that does NOT start with 'ch' or any other case variations of it
from "Products"
where (true and not startsWith(Name, "Ch"))