Session: Querying: How to query?

Database can be queried using LINQ-enabled Query method with few custom extension that will be described later.


IRavenQueryable<T> Query<T>(); // perform query on a dynamic index

IRavenQueryable<T> Query<T>(string indexName, bool isMapReduce = false);

IRavenQueryable<T> Query<T, TIndexCreator>()
	where TIndexCreator : AbstractIndexCreationTask, new();
indexName string Name of an index to perform query on
isMapReduce bool Indicates if queried index is a map/reduce index (modifies how we treat identifier properties).
Return Value
IRavenQueryable Instance implementing IRavenQueryable interface containing additional query methods and extensions.

Safe By Default

The default value of a page size for a query is 128 results. In order to retrieve a different number of results in a single query use .Take(pageSize) method.

Example I - Basic

// load up to 128 entities from 'Employees' collection
List<Employee> employees = session

Notice that by specifying Employee as a type parameter, we are not only defining a result type, but also marking name of collection that will be queried.

Example II - Syntax

Queries can be performed using both LINQ syntaxes.

// load up to 128 entities from 'Employees' collection
// where FirstName equals 'Robert'
List<Employee> employees = session
	.Where(x => x.FirstName == "Robert")

// load up to 128 entities from 'Employees' collection
// where FirstName equals 'Robert'
IRavenQueryable<Employee> employees = from employee in session.Query<Employee>()
			 where employee.FirstName == "Robert"
			 select employee;

Example III - Querying specified index

// load up to 128 entities from 'Employees' collection
// where FirstName equals 'Robert'
// using 'My/Custom/Index'
IRavenQueryable<Employee> employees = from employee in session.Query<Employee>("My/Custom/Index")
			 where employee.FirstName == "Robert"
			 select employee;


// load up to 128 entities from 'Employees' collection
// where FirstName equals 'Robert'
// using 'My/Custom/Index'
IRavenQueryable<Employee> employees = from employee in session.Query<Employee, MyCustomIndex>()
			 where employee.FirstName == "Robert"
			 select employee;

Custom methods and extensions

Available custom methods and extensions: