Plugins: Compilation Extensions

In certain situations users may want to use more complex logic to calculate a value of an index entry field. To do this we have introduced an AbstractDynamicCompilationExtensionto RavenDB.

public abstract class AbstractDynamicCompilationExtension
	public abstract string[] GetNamespacesToImport();

	public abstract string[] GetAssembliesToReference();

* GetNamespacesToImport returns a list of namespaces that RavenDB will have to import
* GetAssembliesToReference returns a list of full paths to assemblies

Example - Check if a given word is a palindrome

public static class Palindrome
	public static bool IsPalindrome(string word)
		if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(word))
			return true;

		int min = 0;
		int max = word.Length - 1;
		while (true)
			if (min > max)
				return true;

			char a = word[min];
			char b = word[max];
			if (char.ToLower(a) != char.ToLower(b))
				return false;


public class PalindromeDynamicCompilationExtension : AbstractDynamicCompilationExtension
	public override string[] GetNamespacesToImport()
		return new[]
				typeof (Palindrome).Namespace

	public override string[] GetAssembliesToReference()
		return new[]
				typeof (Palindrome).Assembly.Location

Now we can use our Palindrome in our index definition.

store.DatabaseCommands.PutIndex("Dictionary/Palindromes", new IndexDefinition
	Map = @"from word in docs.Words 
				select new 
							Word = word.Value, 
							IsPalindrome = Palindrome.IsPalindrome(word.Value) 