Administration: Statistics
Server statistics
One of the options available for the RavenDB administrators enables them to retrive database statistics for the server. The statistics are available at /admin/stats
endpoint or by the Client API (details here).
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/admin/stats"
Document with the following format is retrieved:
"ServerName": null,
"TotalNumberOfRequests": 212,
"Uptime": "00:04:37.5452852",
"Memory": {
"DatabaseCacheSizeInMB": 0.00,
"ManagedMemorySizeInMB": 568.88,
"TotalProcessMemorySizeInMB": 838.39
"LoadedDatabases": [
"Name": "Northwind",
"LastActivity": "2014-08-07T08:17:43.7246662Z",
"TransactionalStorageAllocatedSize": 6356992,
"TransactionalStorageAllocatedSizeHumaneSize": "6.06 MBytes",
"TransactionalStorageUsedSize": 4509696,
"TransactionalStorageUsedSizeHumaneSize": "4.3 MBytes",
"IndexStorageSize": 307512,
"IndexStorageHumaneSize": "300.3 KBytes",
"TotalDatabaseSize": 6664504,
"TotalDatabaseHumaneSize": "6.36 MBytes",
"CountOfDocuments": 1059,
"CountOfAttachments": 0,
"DatabaseTransactionVersionSizeInMB": 0.00,
"Metrics": {
"DocsWritesPerSecond": 0.0,
"IndexedPerSecond": 0.0,
"ReducedPerSecond": 0.0,
"RequestsPerSecond": 0.0,
"Requests": {
"Count": 23,
"MeanRate": 0.096,
"OneMinuteRate": 0.048,
"FiveMinuteRate": 0.771,
"FifteenMinuteRate": 1.253
"RequestsDuration": {
"Type": "Histogram",
"Counter": 23,
"Max": 2224.0,
"Min": 0.0,
"Mean": 184.95652173913044,
"Stdev": 534.17859443353609,
"Percentiles": {
"50%": 3.0,
"75%": 28.0,
"95%": 2054.9999999999977,
"99%": 2224.0,
"99.9%": 2224.0,
"99.99%": 2224.0
"StaleIndexMaps": {
"Type": "Histogram",
"Counter": 20,
"Max": 4.0,
"Min": 0.0,
"Mean": 0.4,
"Stdev": 1.2311740225021848,
"Percentiles": {
"50%": 0.0,
"75%": 0.0,
"95%": 4.0,
"99%": 4.0,
"99.9%": 4.0,
"99.99%": 4.0
"StaleIndexReduces": {
"Type": "Histogram",
"Counter": 20,
"Max": 2.0,
"Min": 0.0,
"Mean": 0.2,
"Stdev": 0.52314836378059693,
"Percentiles": {
"50%": 0.0,
"75%": 0.0,
"95%": 1.9499999999999993,
"99%": 2.0,
"99.9%": 2.0,
"99.99%": 2.0
"Gauges": {
"Raven.Database.Indexing.IndexBatchSizeAutoTuner": {
"MaxNumberOfItems": "131072",
"CurrentNumberOfItems": "1024",
"InitialNumberOfItems": "512"
"Raven.Database.Indexing.WorkContext": {
"RunningQueriesCount": "1"
"Raven.Database.Indexing.ReduceBatchSizeAutoTuner": {
"InitialNumberOfItems": "256",
"MaxNumberOfItems": "65536",
"CurrentNumberOfItems": "1024"
"ReplicationBatchSizeMeter": {},
"ReplicationDurationMeter": {},
"ReplicationBatchSizeHistogram": {},
"ReplicationDurationHistogram": {}
"StorageStats": {
"VoronStats": null,
"EsentStats": {}
"LoadedFileSystems": []
- TotalNumberOfRequests - number of requests that have been executed against the server
- Uptime - uptime of a server
Memory - memory information
- DatabaseCacheSizeInMB - size of cache
- ManagedMemorySizeInMB - size of managed memory taken by server
- TotalProcessMemorySizeInMB - total size of memory taken by server
LoadedDatabases - list of current active databases containing:
- Name - database name
- LastActivity - database last activity time
- TransactionalStorageAllocatedSize - number of bytes allocated by data storage engine
- TransactionalStorageAllocatedSizeHumaneSize - number of bytes allocated by data storage engine in a more readable form
- TransactionalStorageUsedSize - number of bytes used by data storage engine
- TransactionalStorageUsedSizeHumaneSize - number of bytes used by data storage engine in a more readable form
- IndexStorageSize - number of bytes taken by index storage
- IndexStorageHumaneSize - number of bytes taken by index storage in a more readable form
- TotalDatabaseSize - total number of bytes taken by both data and index storages
- TotalDatabaseHumaneSize - total number of bytes taken by both data and index storages in a more readable form
- CountOfDocuments - number of documents in a database
- CountOfAttachments - number of attachments in a database
- DocsWritesPerSecond - number of document writes per second
- IndexedPerSecond - number of indexed documents per second
- ReducedPerSecond - number of reductions per second
- RequestsPerSecond - number of requests per second
- Requests - detailed request statistics
- RequestsDuration - detailed request duration statistics
- ...many more
Database statistics
To obtain the database statistics you have to use /stats
endpoint or access them by the Client API (details here).
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/stats" //statistics for 'system' database
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/databases/Northwind/stats" //statistics for 'Northwind' database
Executing one of the above actions will end up in getting a document in the following format:
"StorageEngine": "Esent",
"LastDocEtag": "01000000-0000-0001-0000-000000000423",
"LastAttachmentEtag": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"CountOfIndexes": 4,
"CountOfResultTransformers": 1,
"InMemoryIndexingQueueSizes": [
"ApproximateTaskCount": 0,
"CountOfDocuments": 1059,
"CountOfAttachments": 0,
"StaleIndexes": [],
"CountOfStaleIndexesExcludingDisabledAndAbandoned": 0,
"CurrentNumberOfItemsToIndexInSingleBatch": 1024,
"CurrentNumberOfItemsToReduceInSingleBatch": 1024,
"DatabaseTransactionVersionSizeInMB": 0.09,
"Indexes": [
"Id": 1,
"Name": "Raven/DocumentsByEntityName",
"IndexingAttempts": 1051,
"IndexingSuccesses": 1051,
"IndexingErrors": 0,
"LastIndexedEtag": "01000000-0000-0001-0000-000000000423",
"IndexingLag": 0,
"LastIndexedTimestamp": "2014-11-28T09:39:20.6516199Z",
"LastQueryTimestamp": "2014-11-28T09:39:20.2775050Z",
"TouchCount": 0,
"Priority": "Normal",
"ReduceIndexingAttempts": null,
"ReduceIndexingSuccesses": null,
"ReduceIndexingErrors": null,
"LastReducedEtag": null,
"LastReducedTimestamp": null,
"CreatedTimestamp": "2014-11-28T09:39:13.6699995Z",
"LastIndexingTime": "2014-11-28T09:39:24.5560252Z",
"IsOnRam": "false",
"LockMode": "LockedIgnore",
"IsMapReduce": false,
"ForEntityName": [],
"Performance": [
"Operation": "Index",
"ItemsCount": 512,
"InputCount": 512,
"OutputCount": 507,
"Started": "2014-11-28T09:39:21.0626773Z",
"Completed": "2014-11-28T09:39:24.4020158Z",
"Duration": "00:00:03.3393385",
"DurationMilliseconds": 3339.34,
"Operations": [
"$type": "Raven.Abstractions.Data.PerformanceStats, Raven.Abstractions",
"Name": "Lucene_DeleteExistingDocument",
"DurationMs": 0
"$type": "Raven.Abstractions.Data.ParallelPerformanceStats, Raven.Abstractions",
"NumberOfThreads": 2,
"BatchedOperations": [
"StartDelay": 0,
"Operations": [
"Name": "LoadDocument",
"DurationMs": 0
"WaitingTimeSinceLastBatchCompleted": "00:00:00"
"DocsCount": 1051,
"IsInvalidIndex": false
"Id": 2,
"Name": "Orders/ByCompany",
"Id": 3,
"Name": "Orders/Totals",
"Id": 4,
"Name": "Product/Sales",
"Errors": [],
"Prefetches": [
"Timestamp": "2014-11-28T09:39:20.7856472Z",
"Duration": "00:00:01.4209922",
"Size": 512,
"Retries": 0,
"PrefetchingUser": "Indexer"
"DatabaseId": "e9c73b04-c787-496a-abf7-7dbef8dde431",
"SupportsDtc": true,
"Is64Bit": true,
"IsMemoryStatisticThreadRuning": true
- StorageEngine - configured storage engine used by the database (Esent or Voron)
- LastDocEtag - last added document Etag
- LastAttachmentEtag - last added attachment Etag
- CountOfIndexes - number of indexes in database
- CountOfIndexesExcludingDisabledAndAbandoned - number of indexes excluding disabled and abandoned
- CountOfResultTransformers - number of transformers in database
- ApproximateTaskCount - approximate number of current database tasks
- InMemoryIndexingQueueSizes - number of docs in prefetching queues used by indexer
- CountOfDocuments - number of documents in database
- CountOfAttachments - number of attachments in database
- StaleIndexes - index names of stale indexes
- CurrentNumberOfItemsToIndexInSingleBatch - initial value is 512 for 64-bit systems and 256 for 32-bit. Depending on the load can be auto-adjusted. Used by database indexer.
- CurrentNumberOfItemsToReduceInSingleBatch - initial value is 512 for 64-bit systems and 256 for 32-bit. Depending on the load can be auto-adjusted. Used by database reducer.
- DatabaseTransactionVersionSizeInMB - current size (in MB) of Esent's version store (in memory modified data, relevant for Esent storage only, it returns -1 for Voron)
- Id - index identifier
- Name - index name
- IndexingAttempts - number of indexing attempts
- IndexingSuccesses - number of indexing successes
- IndexingErrors - number of indexing errors
- LastIndexedEtag - GUID representing last indexed Etag
- IndexingLag - lag between the last indexed etag and the last document etag in the database
- LastIndexedTimestamp - timestamp of last indexed document
- LastQueryTimestamp - last query timestamp
- TouchCount - number of index touches used to calculate index Etag properly,
- Priority - controls how much indexing processing resources index can consume. More information here.
- ReduceIndexingAttempts - number of reduce attempts. Null if not applicable.
- ReduceIndexingSuccesses - number of reduce successes. Null if not applicable.
- ReduceIndexingErrors - number of reduce errors. Null if not applicable.
- LastReducedEtag - GUID representing last reduced Etag. Null if not applicable.
- LastReducedTimestamp - last reduce timestamp
- CreatedTimestamp - indicates when index was created
- LastIndexingTime - time of last indexing run
- IsOnRam - indicates if index is stored only in memory (new and small indexes are stored in memory at first)
- LockMode - indicates what is the current lock mode for index. More information here.
- IsMapReduce - indicates if index is Map-Reduce index
- ForEntityName - names of relevant collections that index processes
Performance - index performance information
Operation - operation type:
orReduce Level level_number
for Map-Reduce indexesIndex
for Map-only indexes
- ItemsCount - number of documents in processed batch
- for
operations this is a number of documents sent for processing - for
Reduce Level level_number
operation this is a number of documents that came fromMap
- for
- OutputCount - number of produced index entries
- Started - operation start time
- Completed - operation complete time
- Duration - operation duration
- DurationInMilliseconds - duration in milliseconds
- LoadDocumentCount - number of loaded documents by using
call - LoadDocumentDurationMs - total duration of loading documents in milliseconds
- WritingDocumentsToLuceneDurationMs - time spent on writing documents to Lucene index
- LinqExecutionDurationMs - time executing Linq statement (Map or Reduce definition)
- FlushToDiskDurationMs - time calling Flush on the index writer
- WaitingTimeSinceLastBatchCompleted - time between the completion of a previous batch and a start of the current one
Operation - operation type:
- DocsCount - number of indexes documents
- IsInvalidIndex -
if index index is invalid, otherwisefalse
- Index - name of index that caused error
- Error - error message
- Timestamp - error timestamp
- Document - key of document that caused error
Prefetches - prefetched indexing statistics
- Timestamp - prefetching start time
- Duration - prefetching duration
- Size - number of documents prefetched
- Retries - number of prefetching retries
- PrefetchingUser - prefetching user name
- DatabaseId - unique Id for database
- SupportsDtc - indicates if database (transactional storage) supports DTC transactions
- Is64Bit - indicates whether the system is 64-bit system
- IsMemoryStatisticThreadRuning - indicates if the statistic thread is running